some pipping, one zipping, question! Please help this first timer!


13 Years
Aug 8, 2009
Out of 15 eggs, I have 6 Black Copper marans, 6 blue Ameracaunas, and 3 Welsummers. 2 BA's are pipping, and one is zipping. That's it so far. No marans yet or Welsummers. Should I be worried?
Hi, I think it is normal, very slow process. I had 2 born yesterday afternoon, 2 born last night, one born today! Checked the eggs and noticed that there is one more pipping.
I also had one that started piping, was almost completely out but died in the process...I think, because I can see part of the chick through the cracked eggs, but it does not seem to be breathing or moving. I still have 5 more eggs that so far nothing has happened. I ead somewhere here in the forum that hatching may take a few days.

Good luck with your hatch!
Eggs that haven't hatched yet are just trying to torture you
How long it takes for eggs to hatch has many factors; first your incubator then how good were the hens fed and how old are they and how old were the eggs before you set them were they shipped etc... so you never know until the hatching is over. Don't be in a hurry to stop on your eggs most all of us give them 25 days. That said if all your eggs are from the same place same kind and they all hatched but 1 or 2 in 23 days probably those eggs can be candled to see if they are worth waiting for. The longer it takes for them to hatch the possibility for complications is higher though I have had eggs hatch at 24 days and be just fine the more you hatch the more you learn. Try not to be impatient trust me I know how hard that is right now I have eggs from 4 different places hatching some were early some are right on time and some others are killing me with the waiting oh and today is the day they are supposed to hatch and those eggs have not even pipped yet so later yeah sometime later after I've worn out my nose looking at them over and over and over
well, today is only day 20. I now have one out!! It will really be alright for a couple of days??? It's so hard to see it peeping in there, and I can't do anything to help it!!!!

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