Some questions about a young silkie

Ky Chicken Fan

16 Years
Aug 2, 2008
Northern Kentucky
Hi all, I have some questions about this young silkie that I had hatch in December. First, all of my birds have been bearded, but I have this one that seems to be non-bearded. I haven't had a chick like this, and I can't imagine what else it could be. Does this happen very often? I am guessing some sort of recessive gene that makes it appear "out of nowhere"?

Even though I like bearded, I have been really happy with the chick, and couldn't wait to see how she turned out. I am getting pretty good at guessing the sexes of the chicks... they usually confirm my guesses when they crow or don't. But this weekend this cute round little baby suddenly has these long gangly legs. Family members said stuff like "oh, her neck seems longer because she doesn't have a beard..." I said and how do you explain those ostrich legs?
What do you all think? Thanks for any input.

LOL, thank you, as I said I was pretty happy until a few days ago. I really think "she" definately looks like a "he" now though.

I guess my other question for the knowledgeable silkie folks, what will the effect be if I keep him? lots more non-beardeds? Do you breed bearded with non-bearded, or keep them separate like the colors? I started out to have some silkies for pets, they were my favorite when I was a kid, but the bug has bitten, and I'd like to improve my birds and hopefully show at some point, so I am trying to learn all I can. Thanks all!
Looks like a pullet to me--notice the rounded crest and lack of hackle feathers? I could be wrong, but right now she looks like a she.

Bred to a bearded, the offspring will have beards (or the lack) in between the parents' beards. Best to breed to a nonbeared.
Thanks Suze, I really respect your knowledge, so maybe I have some hope.
All along she has had a very round crest and a cute little girlish body. Looking back at this pic it doesn't really show how long-legged and clumsy looking she is getting compared to the other chicks her age, but maybe she is just ahead of the others getting to the evil stage where they all look like boys and I start to panic about what I am going to do with a basketful of roos

I figured that was the answer to the bearded X non-bearded thing. Does it just randomly spring up in a flock of bearded, or is this some genetic thing I need to worry about?

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