Someone please HELP!!!!!!!

Just to be clear, I have seen the digestive paralysis in my some of my Marek's birds, but I have not seen it improve.

How is she doing otherwise? Is she starting to gain weight?


Hey Kathy, she is doing the same. Still perky/eating/drinking. Normal looking poops, but she still isn't 100% yet. Her WBC is up so maybe that's why. I am not sure why she would be anemic though. She is not gaining weight, but she's not loosing anymore. I havnt tubed her in 2 days just to see how she's doing. Who knows....maybe Mereks maybe not.
Have you searched for poultry diseases that cause anemia?


No not yet. Lymphocytes and anemia is what she has. I googled lymphocytes and found something about lymphocytes and heat, but it was really hard to understand. Vet said it could have been coccidiosis with a secondary infection. I could understand if she had coccidiosis her having anemia if she was bleeding, but she wasn't. Maybe the digested blood comes out as almost black/green in birds?? I dunno
I found chicken anemia, but that depletes the Lymphocytes. So I am not sure. If her signs were more clear for Mereks, I would have her put down, but they aren't clear so we re stuck in limbo trying to figure it out.
You have a good vet and you have a good knowledge base.  Good thing.
My latest skinny bird I've just named "Mangia".  I will have to spell it right, LOL

I really lucked out. The vet I found used to do the necrosis on chickens at UC davis, so she was really filled with a lot of knowledge. Plus she came into the room and was like "ahhhh I love chickens!" That made me smile.
Have you searched for poultry diseases that cause anemia?


No not yet. Lymphocytes and anemia is what she has. I googled lymphocytes and found something about lymphocytes and heat, but it was really hard to understand. Vet said it could have been coccidiosis with a secondary infection. I could understand if she had coccidiosis her having anemia if she was bleeding, but she wasn't. Maybe the digested blood comes out as almost black/green in birds?? I dunno

There's no doubt when the blood is fresh, we all know what that looks like, lol. I have seen some very dark poops, and don't laugh, but I could have sworn that I smelled blood, so I think it's possible that some dark poops could have blood in them.

There's no doubt when the blood is fresh, we all know what that looks like, lol. I have seen some very dark poops, and don't laugh, but I could have sworn that I smelled blood, so I think it's possible that some dark poops could have blood in them.


Hey no judging here....blood has a very distinct smell. Yeah I think in humans the darker it is the longer it's been in the digestive system. I think though, not positive. Unfortunately this is part of owning chickens. Get attached to the little boogers then something happens that can potentially wipe out a flock. :rolleyes: I will just have to wait to see. My vet said normally when they start to show symptoms of Mereks to the time they pass away from in is normally a month or less.
I have several with Marek's eyes that have had them for well over a year. Also have two that are looking wobbly that I'm keeping an eye on.

I have several with Marek's eyes that have had them for well over a year. Also have two that are looking wobbly that I'm keeping an eye on.


I know it's caught through dander, but I truly believe she has had this for a while. I read that the birds can carry it. I have a ton of blue jays, do you think that's where it could have been caught??

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