Someone should design a chicken coop that looks like the TARDIS...

Just searching for Dr.Who stuff and came across this site. We have a couple of ex-barn raised chickens (originally four but sadly two died recently). I did build a TARDIS coop for them and it actually it works quite well.

If you're interested have a look here:

Now I'd better have a good look around here for chicken information.

I know what I'm doing for spring break now.
My whovian friends will learn carpentry and my parents will tell me no more chickens (I mean I told them I wanted to hatch more eggs, they thought that meant 10-15, not 30 some-odd number.
started hatching little guys I can't wait till Friday
Not sure a tardis chicken coop would be a good idea now....too many buttons to push and levers to roost would look out one morning and the whole thing would be gone
Chooks and all! off exploring the universe.

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