Something getting into chicken coop



Free Ranging
Dec 26, 2018
My neighbor's chickens are dying one by one by some predator that nobody seems to know what it is. It is actually getting into the chicken coop at night, he keeps finding another dead one just laying on the ground. Do you think a copperhead or something? It concerns me for my ducks even though their duck house is more secure than his chicken coop.
My neighbor said he could not find any wounds which is why he is so perplexed. That is why he was wondering about snakes. There is an overgrown apple orchard between his place and mine and we have had a copperhead issue this year. These are the chickens that spend all day over here with me following me around everywhere. I am so upset because he loves those chickens and they are so sweet.
It is actually my neighbor's chickens that just hang out with me all day. I have not really checked out his coop but I can tell it is way more humble than my duck house. We are down to the rooster and one beautiful blue hen. I am seriously thinking of having my husband build a new coop and see if he will just let me keep them over here.
It is actually my neighbor's chickens that just hang out with me all day. I have not really checked out his coop but I can tell it is way more humble than my duck house. We are down to the rooster and one beautiful blue hen. I am seriously thinking of having my husband build a new coop and see if he will just let me keep them over here.
He might really appreciate that. Good for you!

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