Something has infected our flock - help!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
About two weeks ago we had a hen who got a swollen up in the face. She was otherwise acting well, but we pulled her and ended up culling - she obviously had something wrong with her and we didn't want to risk spread. This morning when I let everyone out I noticed two of my three month olds acting strangely - last to exit the coop, moving slowly, wings lowered, slowly eating scratch, and they made no effort to get away when I picked them up. They're in a cage by the house now, far from the other chickens - I don't know what's going on. And then just now I went down to see if anyone else was acting oddly, and one of my two year old hens is dead. I'm freaking out. The depression in these two is the only symptom I've seen, aside from the swollen face in the first hen. No sneezing or wheezing, no eye or nasal discharge, poop appears normal. Recently dewormed and had a 21 day course of Di-methox (treating goats for coccidiosis).

Any thoughts on what's going on or what I should do? If either of these small ones dies I'm taking it to Kord for necropsy tomorrow morning, but if there's anything I can do to treat everyone else right now I want to - don't want to lose the whole flock! Help!!
They both died overnight. Took one in this morning for necropsy, they already called and said there's nothing obvious. She looked like she had some sort of chronic wasting going on, they said - her fat pockets had atrophied and she had very little fat at all. They're doing a fecal and several other specialized tests that could take a week or more to come back. We're to immediately remove anyone who shows symptoms and have our farm vet draw blood - idk what they're looking for, but this stinks.
If you wormed with Wazine you should re- worm everyone with Safeguard or Valbazen. You should also get a baseline weight on them and re-check in a week.

Where do you live?

I wormed with wazine. We have had issues with resistant parasites in our goats and had to move to stronger dewormers that we can only get through our vet, I wonder if the same is happening with our chickens. We live in middle tennessee.
I wormed with wazine. We have had issues with resistant parasites in our goats and had to move to stronger dewormers that we can only get through our vet, I wonder if the same is happening with our chickens. We live in middle tennessee.

Wazine only gets roundworms, it does not get cecal worms, gapeworms, tapeworms or capillary worms.

Curiously, what wormer is it that you can only get from your vet?


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