Something on my mind


Formerly known as -7-6-
Apr 10, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, everyone.
The world seems to have turned over this week. While we sit here in our homes peacefully and live our lives, our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan are being slaughtered.
Like a cloud descending upon them the destruction came, a cloud of death. It killed almost everything it touched, leaving few behind. These are left to torture, soon to follow the rest.
Not to far from now, an entire people will be slaughtered. The only evidence of this bloody massacre will be the countless dead, not even permitted a chance to run for their lives. With no warning this evil came upon them.
The few hiding are unable to bury the dead.

I rarely get involved with politics, but this is heavy on my mind. Please pray for Afghanistan, it is drowning with the blood of it’s own native people.
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I applaud you for asking us to pray for the people of Afghanistan. Physically closer to us are the people of Haiti, who have experienced yet another deadly natural disaster, and folks in California who are victims of terrifying wildfire -- again.

All the chaos -- natural and manmade -- makes me sad, but it also reminds me that on my WORST days, while I am no more deserving, I am still more blessed and fortunate than countless others. So, when praying for others, I also thank God every day for an incredible life.
All the chaos -- natural and manmade -- makes me sad, but it also reminds me that on my WORST days, while I am no more deserving, I am still more blessed and fortunate than countless others. So, when praying for others, I also thank God every day for an incredible life.
I completely agree. Thank you so much for this powerful reminder.

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