Something strange is going on with one of my hen : She never leaves the perimeter of the place where another broody egg is sitting on her eggs.


In the Brooder
Oct 15, 2020
We noticed this strange phenomenon recently.

This one hen who don't go broody ever, started acting strange after we put her eggs under another hen that went broody.

She at first, she didn't leave her cage. We thought she was sick.

We put this one hen and this broody hen in one cage at night and they both lay the egg in the same place. Even after this other hen went broody, this hen would go and lay in the same box and we would have to take the egg from under the broody hen.

Now, even after we let her out of the cage as usual in the morning, she sticks by the cage all the time.

She doesn't run around like usual.

Does she know its her eggs and chick?
Do the broody test. Take her away from the eggs, & see if she goes back.

Some signs of being broody are:


Fluffing up

Clucking like a ticking time bomb

Sitting for hours at a time

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