Something to Ponder...

Hi. I was wondering if anyone wanted to memorize Bible verses together? I bring some, you can bring some, and we memorize them together.
I love this idea! Thanks for the mention! The only one I know super well is “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, and whoever shall believe in him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life! John 3:16 (not exact, best I could do) 🙂

And another, not really a verse, but it is on the back of our bible, “Come and follow me.” Jesus.
I love this idea! Thanks for the mention! The only one I know super well is “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, and whoever shall believe in him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life! John 3:16

And another, no really a verse, but it is on the back of our bible, “Come and follow me.” Jesus.
I love that verse! I used to have it on my wall for years! I'm hoping to post other verses here in the future. If you want to, you can memorize them too. ;)
I love this idea! Thanks for the mention! The only one I know super well is “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, and whoever shall believe in him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life! John 3:16

And another, no really a verse, but it is on the back of our bible, “Come and follow me.” Jesus.
That is really the only one I know really good, that one and Psalm 23

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