I think a hawk or cat tried to snatch one of my free range hens early this morning, but was unsuccessful. The hen was in the neighbor's yard (over a tall fence) when I found her. She's injured and I'm not sure what I need to do to help her! Not really interested in spending $500 to take her to the only "exotic pet" emergency vet clinic in my city - there are no vets that deal with chickens here. Whatever got her pulled out half of her tail feathers, and the rest are loose (they just come out when I stroke the tail). Her wing has a bruise on the underside along with what looks like an incomplete puncture (claw mark?), but it's not broken. She's fluffed a bit and her wings are not tight to her back, but she's running around with the other hens scratching and eating. She very happy to be back with her sisters, but seems a bit subdued so I'm quite worried. Does anyone have experience with this? Should I wash her or smear her with antibiotics just in case her skin got punctured?
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