Somethings wrong with my poor rooster. Video of his symptoms. Pls help

I just wanted to thank everyone for there help and support. little Saseel seems to be doing fine now. He's still inside getting spoiled tho. I went out to the inlaws for Christmas dinner and he escaped his coop and had free range of the house. This is what i found when i got home...


Hes been up walking talking and being his usual self. I'm still a little leery on letting him roam outside again yet. How long would you guys suggest keeping him under observation.
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He's still doing well yesterday I put him back outside and kept a close eye on him he seems to be doing well. I'm still keeping an eye out for any signs of him looking down again. When I went out to coop the fellas up last night little Saseel there was waiting by the door to come inside. I think he got spoiled
I would just make sure to provide your flock with electrolytes/vitamins at least once a week ( I do it twice a week) just to help insure that they're getting enough vitamins. Since they're not out eating outside, foraging for bugs and grasses, this makes me feel like I'm giving them just a little bit more of a way to keep them healthy throughout the winter. Since the added protein (omelette) worked for your boy, along with the TLC, it may just be an added measure to take
I definitely plan on picking up some vitamins for them next time I go by the feed store.

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