Something's wrong with this chick!!

I gave her some sugar water through a syringe when I found her like that. I thought it couldn't hurt. We do that with calves and piglets that are sickly and weak to give them a boost. Is that OK?
It's a poultry vitamin that's good for many different things, not a daily type of supplement, but in times of sickness it gives them a healthy boost of necessary goodness to help their body do the best it can do.
Is the chick still throwing its head back?
Right Now she seems really out of it. She's laying flat on her chest with her eyes closed but her wings still stretched out. I thought she was dead twice now but when I touch her she starts peeping like crazy and kinda flailing around?
I believe sugar water is fine especially in instances like this. I've tagged some very knowledgeable people and until they have a moment to chime in, I would make sure she’s warm, so that's one less thing that her body has to do for itself.
Thank you so much. She's in the house now with a heat lamp and fuzzy sock nest. I hope to hear some more thoughts soon. Really appreciate your help!
Has she pooped? Their poop can really tell a lot about what's going on. If she's pooped, please take a picture and share it on this thread. Maybe check the brooder to see if there are any different looking poops from before you isolated her

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