Sometimes I just don't understand people....animal re-homing rant

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I never tried to imply that other's opinions weren't valid.....I was trying to make it clear that I definitely understand military life.

Like all the other military families here have pointed out, it is amazing what you see sometimes. I had to actually see it first hand to understand how my husband acted after he asked me to marry him.
He kept saying things like "You DO understand what you are getting yourself into, right?" "You do know that military families have a huge divorce rate, right?". I kept thinking he had changed his mind. However, his first wife had a few friends on the side. I think he was absolutely terrified to get married.
LOL I thought it was only my husband that said those things... I'm his third, yes I said THIRD, wife. I have more time married to him than his past 2 wives and one GF combined.
That's why I say some can hack it and some can't.
I hate that he's gone all the time, but I guess that's why its called military SERVICE, right?
LOL I thought it was only my husband that said those things... I'm his third, yes I said THIRD, wife. I have more time married to him than his past 2 wives and one GF combined.
That's why I say some can hack it and some can't.
I hate that he's gone all the time, but I guess that's why its called military SERVICE, right?, so I'm not the only one either!!!!
Yeah, I can definitely see why they get scared!!!
I am one of thoe people needing to rehome a couple of dogs. Wa have always thought of our animals as part of our family but we are having a very hard time feeding them all. We are not moving we are both out of work. We can't hardly pay our utilities much less food for ourselves and the necessities for the house. We have managed for a year so far to keep them on their same feed but it has just about gotten impossible. WE have ben living on my unemployment checks since April. My husband is a contractor and has only been able to get 1 job a month and it pays our rent and utilities and thats all. I use my check for the necessities of the household, fuel for our car and truck and lawn mowers, food for the chickens and dogs. We go through 40 pounds a week jusst for the 2 big dogs. The 2 smaller ones go through a 20 lb bag in about 3 weeks. We feed out dogs Pedigree and what scraps we may have. We just had our largest dog neutered. Another expense we couldn't afford but it was necessary.

We love all our dogs very much and it is very hard for us to make this choice but we will keep them unless we can find the perfect home where they get the love we give, are not abaused and they are able to feed them the same food we have managed to keep them on.

I also moved with many pets and we will pass up a house we love to accomodate our pets. If they aren't allowed the house isn't an option. It also has to have certain requirements for our animals. NOt too close to the road or neighbors. If no fenced in yard it must be far away from the road. Ther aer other tings that we have sacrificed for our animals but we just can't keep taking care of them all the way they deserve with our finances the way they are. WE have tried our best for the past year to do what they needed. But we haven't been able to keep them all up to date on their shots. Only 1 dog has had his rabies shot.

I understand about how it makes you all upset on how people will just toss out their pet when they move. I have a nephew that has had a dog for 8 years and is now wanitng to find a home for her because he is moving. He has taken her everywhere so far and he is in the service also. I would take her if I could but I can't. To make matters worse we have a neighbor that has gone off and left their dogs on their own and one is chained and the other is loose. The one that is loose keeps coming to our house and eating our dogs food. So we are feeding 5 dogs right now. If I lived in the city I could report them and somebody would come out and get the dogs. I's rather he ate the dog food instead of my chickens. So far he doesn't seem to be interested in them.

I have a letter from a pet that I bet you all would like to read. I'll find it and post it. You'll want to get out the tissues.

I am very sorry if my situation upsets you all. WE do love our dogs very much and we only want the best for them. WE have 2 smaller dogs that we will be keeping. ONe we have had all her life and taht has been 14 years, the other for 2 1/2 years. If you want to help me keep them you can send me money to buy food and their shots.

I agree that people shouldn't be breeding more dogs and those that don't want their pets to get pregnant they should have them spayed as we have all of ours. There are more pets out there that need homes than there are homes for them to go to.
A poem on my county shelter's website. Seemed fitting for this thread

I adopted your dog today.
The one you left at the pound,
the one you had for seven years
and no longer wanted around.

I adopted your dog today.
Do you know he's lost weight?
Do you know he's scared and depressed
and has lost all faith?

I adopted your dog today.
He had fleas and a cold,
but don't worry about it.
You've unburdened your load.
I adopted your dog today.
Were you having a baby or moving away?
Did you suddenly develop
allergies or was there no reason he couldn't stay?

I adopted your dog today.
He doesn't play or eat much.
He's very depressed,
but he will learn to trust again.

I adopted your dog today.
And here he will stay.
He's found his forever home
and a warm bed on which to lay.

I adopted your dog today.
And I will give him all that he could need.
Patience, love, security, and understanding.
Hopefully he will forget your selfish deed.
- Author Unknown
I have a friend who has been deployed to alaska from the east coast 4 times. They manage to bring everyone every time dogs cats birds.She wouldn't even consider leaving one behind.
It makes me so mad when people get pets with out thinking. When they dont consider the environment, feed, etc.

Makes me want to blow a gasket! I mean they just expect it to be ok if they release it into the wild, or drop it off on some ones door step.

We are military as well and have had to move from georgia to arizona, and then to alabama. All with THREE dogs, turtles, and the hamster or two that we always have. A german shepard should be no problem if they truly love it.
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Thats a great poem. You all are making me feel really bad about having to find homes for my 2 dogs. But they will stay here unless I find the perfect home. I only want the best for them and they will not go to a shelter. I'm not moving like I said before. We are unemployed and have been for about a year. We have managed to feed all of our animals all this time and it has taken it's toll. The last dog we got, we got him because the people that had him did not take care for him at all. He is a St Bernard and was about 6 months at the time. You could not only feel all his bones but could clearly see them because he was almost hairless from the malnutrition and skin infection. I"m sure the worms didn't help any either. We got him healthy and happy. It costs us money we didn't realy have but he needed rescued out of his current situation or he would have died miserably. We also had him neutered as all of our dogs are to prevent him from making more unwanted dogs. He also has an allergy and it would be unfair to any puppies he may have sired to pass that along to them.
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