Soo I helped a chick hatch...


Aug 15, 2019
Quezon Province, Philippines
Hey guys. So I have some questions.
I recently helped a chick hatch since I'm pretty sure the membrane was going to dry out. I can't seem to increase my incubator's humidity. But when it got out of its shell, it was too weak to even stand on its own. Good thing is that the yolk was all absorbed. Is there any way I could revive this chick?
If you have access to it you could try a tiny amount of Nutri Drench for poultry. Is it still in the incubator? It should be somewhere with good footing and proper temperature. Hatching really takes it out of them. Most chicks go through a rest period after hatching and take a little bit to get standing/walking. Hopefully that's the case with yours as well.
I place them in a paper towel lined margarine container inside the incubator till they find their feet. Don't give it anything by mouth till it can do it on its own.

Good catch. Let me clarify what I meant by "tiny amount". I would dab the product on my finger and wipe the inside of the chick's mouth. We're talking a fraction of a drop here. Even this small amount can provide a boost to poorly hatched chicks. The fact this chick was too weak to hatch on its own tells me further intervention might be necessary.

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