Soo.. what, exactly, is the ideal duckling food?


8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
I bought a bag of turkey starter on the advice of the feed store saying that thats the correct amount of protein for a duckling. Now I've been reading that that might not be best? I don't know what % protein it is because the feed store packages up smaller bags itself so no label, brand or anything. The more I read about feeding these babies, the more confused I'm getting!
according to Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, by Dave Holderread:

  1. 18-20% for the first 2 weeks, fed free choice (often labeled starter feed)
  2. 16-18 % for 2-7 weeks, fed free choice for 5 minutes, twice daily (often labeled grower feed)
  3. 15-16% for weeks 7-20. (often labeled developer feed) Amount depends on breed.
  • Small breed - .15-.25 lbs
  • egg breed - .20-.30 lbs
  • Medium breed .25-.35 lbs
  • Large breed - .30-.40 lbs
  • Muscovy - .20-.40 lbs

Don't forget the extra niacin, unless you are feeding something specifically formulated for waterfowl. I provide mine in the form of Brewers Yeast, which I purchase at my local health food store.
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I think I need to see if the library has that book and check it out. They are 1 week old today so they still get food whenever they want. I'll call the feed store tomorrow to find out about the % on the particular feed I have. so starting next week I only put food in their brooder twice a day, then remove it after 5 minutes? Is that right? I have 2 rouens and 1 mixed. the mixed is I think half cayuga and... magpie?! not sure. so is that small, egg, medium, or large? I think i've seen the brewer's yeast in bulk bins at the grocery store, so I'll pick some up. any particular amount I should sprinkle on their food?... checking the library website for the book now!
I think I need to see if the library has that book and check it out. They are 1 week old today so they still get food whenever they want. I'll call the feed store tomorrow to find out about the % on the particular feed I have. so starting next week I only put food in their brooder twice a day, then remove it after 5 minutes? Is that right? I have 2 rouens and 1 mixed. the mixed is I think half cayuga and... magpie?! not sure. so is that small, egg, medium, or large? I think i've seen the brewer's yeast in bulk bins at the grocery store, so I'll pick some up. any particular amount I should sprinkle on their food?... checking the library website for the book now!

I've never heard of taking away their foor at such a young age. The only time I have heard about taking away food was during the night as adults . All my flock gets food available 24/7. Maybe once they are adult age I will stop feeding at night but not until then. I have 1 Pekin and 7 Mallards as well as 24 chicks. All ranging from 3 weeks to 7 weeks old.
For my ducks (age ranges from 6 weeks to 8 months) I leave the feed out 24/7. Even when I did have small (week old) ducklings I kept their feed available at all times because they liked to eat at different times and separately.
That seems easier. I thought Tahai's post was talking about only offering feed 2x/day. Hey, is nutritional yeast okay instead of brewers? I have that already. Save me a trip if they can get their niacin that way. I got nervous earlier when I watched them try to walk on the hard wood and 2 could barely stand (rouens) the 1 i hatched seemed okay. They seem to do fine in their brooder on pine shavings and in the water they look like they have motors on their butts :D
I called and asked what % the turkey starter was and at first she said 28%! Then she said she'd double check and its actually 21%. Slightly high for the first 2 weeks. The chick starter they have is 16%. I'm thinking I'll use the turkey starter for one more week, then switch to the chick starter until 20 weeks, supplementing niacin.

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