Sores on top of chicken's feet


5 Years
May 3, 2015
Denver, CO
Hello, two of our four chickens have developed these sores on top of their feet. It does not look like bumble foot or scaly leg, at least to me, so I am hoping someone might be able to help me out. I first noticed it about a week ago and it seems to have gotten a little worse. They are eating and drinking and seem normal but have started to limp, probably because the sore is right where their foot creases when they walk.

Thanks for any help!!

Here are pics:

I am clueless as to what is going on with your hens. If they were mine, I would try applying an antifungal ointment to their feet twice a day and an antibacterial ointment twice a day. Good luck at resolving this, and hopefully someone will have better advice than me.
Thanks for the welcome. Looks like I will seperate them from the others today as they are not getting better and the limping looks worse. I will get some anti-bacterial and anti-fungal...just normal stuff or do I need to visit the feed store for special topicals?

Can anyone answer, is it ok to keep the two injured hens together or do I even need to seperate them?

Could there be any rats around that may be biting them at night while on the roost? BluKote spray would be good to put on the injuries to hide the wounds, and betadine may also be used.
Thank you for the recomendation on Blu Kote and betadine. Picked some up last night, cleaned them with soapy water, then the betadine, and put some triple A on it. Today I will but the Blu Kote on, I had already put on the triple A prior to purchasing the Blu Kote.

Poor girls don't understand why they're not home...and our other two chicks were looking out of their coop for the missing two when I went to close the coop door last night. Chickens are funny.

Hoepfully in another day or two I can put them back out.

Rats? Not that I can imagine. I have seen small mice and even mice tracks around the outside of the coop but never rats or any signs of them. The girls live in an enclosed run (deer fence) and I shut them in their coop each night as well. Someting similar to one of these:
In case someone has this same issue, although it may not be much help..

We used the betadine and BluKote for several weeks and their feet seemed to get close to healing and then reopen. When they got bad we would use the solution and stop when it started to heal. It took ~6-8 weeks for both to fully heal. Maybe seperating them would have sped up the healing process but with only 4 hens and no where else to keep these 2, we didn't really have that option.

No idea what the cause was.

Thanks for the advice!
Unfortunately I never figured out what the problem was. Once the wound was starting to scab I stopped using the betadine and only used the bluekote until it started to look a little better. Then just let it heal on its' own.

It took quite some time but eventually healed up and hasn't come back. Only 2 of 4 of our hens were effected and both were Polish hens...not sure if that mattered but did seem strange how only those two had the issue.
Unfortunately I never figured out what the problem was. Once the wound was starting to scab I stopped using the betadine and only used the bluekote until it started to look a little better. Then just let it heal on its' own.

It took quite some time but eventually healed up and hasn't come back. Only 2 of 4 of our hens were effected and both were Polish hens...not sure if that mattered but did seem strange how only those two had the issue.
All three of our hens have wounds on their feet that look almost identical to your photos. So strange. We got some Blu-kote. May I ask--did you wash and dry the wounds every time before you reapplied Blu-kote, or just spray it on?

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