Sorry ~ another request for limping hen help!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 17, 2010
I have a Buff Orpington who is about 20 weeks old. She was fine, healthy and suddenly started limping Sunday - her right leg. She was hopping like a bunny when she ran, but she still scratched around the yard and used that leg. Monday she was a bit worse, limping more but still eating, drinking, scratching. Tuesday she was getting worse, so I checked for bumblefoot, (nothing) checked for swelling, foreign objects, break, toe nails all there, etc. and she seemed fine. Separated her from the others, she is eating and drinking, poo looks ok. Today she is still worse (will check again for bumblefoot) and is now holding up her right foot. She still jumps on the low roost in her pen, but is wobbly. I am a chicken newbie and don't know what else to check for. Seems like it could be a bad sprain - we have a rooster who is just coming into maturity with the hens, so maybe he injured her? What else should I look for? She does not like to be separated from the others, but we put her in a small cage overnight to try to keep her more quiet. Any other suggestions? I hate it when my animals get sick - I feel so helpless. Also, she was vaccinated when she was purchased. Thank you very much!
Keep her separate and continue to monitor. She should not have free range time and try to keep her quiet for at least a week to see if she shows improvement. If it is an injury, she should show improvement with some rest. You can also do 5 grain aspirin crushed in her water to help with inflammation. If she continues to get worse, there could be something else going on. Please post updates so we know how she's doing. I hope she gets better soon.
I had a hen with a limp it took about 1 month for her to completely stop limping. I separated her with another hen her age for 2 days. Then I let her out with the others. She stayed in the shade by herself laying down most days. Every night when I got home for about a week, I would put her the coop by herself to eat away from the others. Just to make sure she was able to eat. I have water in several areas of the yard but food is only in the coop. It took about 1 month for her to be normal. I think she bruised her thigh jumping down off of something.
Thought I would update, that today she seems to be doing better. We keep her in a small (but not too small) cage to confine her and keep her quiet. When we get home, we put her in the pen without the other chickens as they are out free ranging. Then at night we put her back in the cage. She seems to be better, is eating, drinking and pooping just fine, so I hope Edna continues to improve. Thanks for the advice and we are also going to try some aspirin too.

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