SOS-My Chicken Has Been Attacked By Another Chicken


10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
My 9wk old chick was severely pecked on the head. Her head is completely bald & bloody, i've got her in the cat crate with a heating disk & heating lamp & toweled up. I've been able to get her to drink water through a syringe, but i'm helpless on what else to do. Please help, I need first aid advice big time!!!!!!
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OK, you've done all the right stuff so far
Keep her separated and warm. She is probably in shock, and may not eat or drink for a little while. Syringing fluids into her is good.

Make a warm water solution with molasses, it has sugars and other good stuff in it. It will give her a bit of energy and vitamins. If you have any B vitamin capsules or tabs, crush them up good and dissolve in the water. Keep doing that every couple of hours and then leave her be to overcome her shock.

As far as her head goes, cleanse the area with soap and water. Clip back the fuzz around it to keep it clean. Then put on an antibacterial cream, neosporin will do.

Chickens are remarkably tough. I have one right now, a four month old, who has NO skin on her back, just a big nasty open spot I slather with cream and I keep her warm and quiet in the house. She didn't eat for a couple of days on her own, then started in and I still can't believe she's alive.

The chick's biggest worry is having other chicks peck at her wound. Once it seems to have scabbed over, put some BluKote on it (at your feedstore) it is a drying antibiotic ointment for livestock, and it stains the wound blue, a color other birds won't have the urge to peck at. She will have a goofy looking head for a while, till she feathers in but at least you'll be able to tell her apart from the others

If she doesn't make it, it's probably because she got some brain damage, and there's nothing you could do about that but what you are doing already.
thank you so much for your advise and kind words. i think that i'm a little in shock myself. If i don't have any molasses, can i use sugar or corn syrup?
and take a vitamin tablet, preferable without iron and crush it to mix in the water. It won't over dose her, she'll use as much as she needs and eliminate the rest. The sugars are most important, for the shock.
thank you again, i've just given her some water &corn syrup, washed her head w/eye wash (sterile saline) and applied neosporin and bandages. I'm concerned about her eyes, as i can't really see them, thanks for your help!
My chicken was attacked by a dog. She's OK, but the back of her head is totally bald. I put neosporin on her head, do I need to separate her from everybody else? I've never had any of them attack her before. I have one that chases the babies, but I read on here that she may be attacked........
The reason to separate her is that the other chickens will instinctively peck at the bloody area and make matters much worse. If the wound is small enough, and she's in good enough shape, you could cover the wound with blue kote and still be able to put her back with the flock.
I have 2 7 week old game chickens & 1 attacked the other yesterday. I attempted to clean her head, but it seemed to hurt (her?). She seems to be fine, eating, drinking & walking/ flapping around. I am concerned about her well being, no doubt, but also concerned as to why the other would do such a thing. I'm still unsure of their sexes, could it be that the aggressor is a rooster or just obtaining a pecking order?? Also, I've been keeping them separated, but the aggressor really seems to miss the other & when they're together they stay pretty close.

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