Soul Animals!~Restarted!~Please Join!!~

Sarah strolled down a pathway in a forest, her fake leg making odd clink, clunk, clonk noises. She smiled, as a soft breeze smelling of pine and moss made her short, blond hair dance.
a few soft notes of a melody by her ear and warmth on her shoulder alerted her of Kveykva's presence. She smiled, and whistled a few notes back. hey, kveykva. she thought to her. Kveykva cocked her head and whistled. She could feel thoughts and emotions being shared between their mental connection. Shimmering golds came from Kveykva's side. hello, Sarah.
Sarah laughed and spun merrily, Kveykva's fiery tail streaming out behind her and her tunic swirling around her. Sarah stumbled and tripped over her false leg, and landed in a pile of leaves. Kveykva made the churring noise that meant she was laughing, and landed on the ground next to her. Sarah lay in the pile of leaves, and sighed contentedly. The warm, green sunlight seeping through the leaves made dappled patterns on the ground. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Birds twittered, and squirrels leapt from tree to tree. It was a peaceful afternoon.

Sarah had no idea she was being followed. She had no reason to think that her moment of pleasure would be short lived...
Lillie wandered through the maze that was the base. She ran into Linda's quarter's. "Linda!" "What do you want?!?" "Darrien is in a bad mood!" Linda turned and glared at lillie. "I know that!" Lillie met her glare evenly. "Sheesh. Looks Like Darrien isnt the only one." Lillie turned and left the room leaving linda to stare after her.

Darrien walked into the main room where they held meetings and such. "All Come to the main room!" He shouted
Sarah laughed and spun merrily, Kveykva's fiery tail streaming out behind her and her tunic swirling around her. Sarah stumbled and tripped over her false leg, and landed in a pile of leaves. Kveykva made the churring noise that meant she was laughing, and landed on the ground next to her. Sarah lay in the pile of leaves, and sighed contentedly. The warm, green sunlight seeping through the leaves made dappled patterns on the ground. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Birds twittered, and squirrels leapt from tree to tree. It was a peaceful afternoon.

Sarah had no idea she was being followed. She had no reason to think that her moment of pleasure would be short lived...
Dawn paused, hearing laughter ahead. Kali sniffed the air, moving to walk a little in front of Dawn as they neared Sarah and Kveykva.
Lillie wandered through the maze that was the base. She ran into Linda's quarter's. "Linda!" "What do you want?!?" "Darrien is in a bad mood!" Linda turned and glared at lillie. "I know that!" Lillie met her glare evenly. "Sheesh. Looks Like Darrien isnt the only one." Lillie turned and left the room leaving linda to stare after her.

Darrien walked into the main room where they held meetings and such. "All Come to the main room!" He shouted

(Ahem.. Anyone in the dark forces (I really need a better name for them) Please reply to previous post) ^

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