South Carolina

I was more than pleased with the results from the 4 birds I took to this APA, ABA sanctioned show. My white LF Cochin hen took Best of Breed and my bantam Mottled cockerel took Reserve Breed to one of my Mottled hens that took Best of Breed, Champion Feather Leg and Reserve Champion bantam in Show.

There were a lot of gorgeous birds there! It was amazing to see a real show winning buff Orpington take the Best in Show.
Also, the show onSC ETV called Making It Grow was there filming and interviewing a lot of the judges and show winners, plus filming all the different things that were set up at the show. I am not sure when it will be broadcasted but watch for it! I am betting it will be a wonderful program!

Sorry I did not see a lot of you there. It was the most awesome of spring shows!
It was great seeing you Amy! Thanks so much for coming out and supporting our show. Your birds are gorgeous
The episode of Making It Grow is supposed to air on Tuesday.
I highly recommend visiting the Center for Birds of Prey near Charleston, SC. It sounds a bit strange, owning chickens yet also loving birds of prey, but learning more about the raptors (other than just seeing them as chicken predators) can change your perspective. It's the largest of its kind in the nation, and has an impressive collection of birds of prey from species around the world. They also do flight demonstrations, and it's amazing to see vultures, kestrels, falcons, kites, owls and more in action, working in rhythm with their trainers. It's neat getting up close and personal with the birds, they're not camera shy so I was able to get some good shots.
Wow! We homeschool and that looks like an interesting field trip! Thanks
[COLOR=333333]WestKnollAmy, looks like a good time was had by all![/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]OK, got sunflowers, onions, green beans, cucumbers, sorghum, carrots, watermelon, lettuce, radishes and gourds planted in the garden. I planted corn in 25 toilet paper tubes to start inside (the squirrels and fireants get it if starts by seed in the ground). And I moved my 16 chicks (10 Buff Orps and 6 Black Australorps) from their little box in the kitchen to the Big Box in the kitchen. They wer having the best time running back and forth and challenging each other. It really was quite cute to watch (I love chickens!).[/COLOR]

Yay! You found some buff chicks!
I have 2 BLR wyandotte chicks (7 weeks old). 1 cockerel and 1 pullet. Also have 1 black cochin bantam. He's 5 weeks old. Let me know if interested. Clemson, SC

Samouw here are the three chicks that hatched for us. They are healthy and as you can see beautiful. DH pulled the remaining eggs and eggtopsied and they apparently died at different times in incubation because their development was at different stages. Some were fully developed but died at hatching because he saw them moving during locked down. That is always a disappointment. We just hope that at least two are pullets.
Beautiful chicks! But I sure hate that they were the only ones hatched. Sounds like the rest were fertile?

I have some extras, if you want to come pick up 6 more, I'll give them to you as replacements for some of the ones that didn't hatch.

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