South Carolina

I must not notice them here too much, except in the house. And I refuse to bring grown ducks in the house! As it is I have 5 ducklings of my friends' in here and they are about a week old now.

Anywhooo, (I do get side tracked a lot) I had the ducklings of mine in the brooder room yesterday and did not get them out until late morning when the rain slowed down. The flies were swarming around their brooder and they had a great time snacking on them. By the time I got them outside I did not see very many flies left. These ducklings are Golden Cascades. I bet the Muscovy are very good at it as are the Runners.

Here is my lovely Huggs with her duckling out of my Runners. I love my Runners but the Muscovy are absolutely my favs!


My other Muscovy girl and my buff Cochin girl are both on Runner eggs due to hatch at the same time. That should be 10 more babies if they all hatch.
hey nadine ( Amy) I got everyone home.. and have a name for big boy. Midas.. he is sooo pretty and the girls Love him.. humm.. poor Uncle daddy didnt even get to meet the girls.. hahhah
blessed be and thanks again )O(
Oh, Pink! It was great seeing you again!
And so nice to meet your summer guest. He is very nice and I know will help you a lot around your place.
You should have stayed longer, a lot more people showed up and some took kittens home!

It was a wonderful afternoon chatting with everyone. Poor Nellabean won't get home until midnight and then she has to unload all the chickens and rabbits and get them settled!

Jackie and her group seemed happy with the chickens and I let her do the running to catch most of them. I caught the easy ones!

I think the only one I did not see was Joy. I expected her but figure she got caught up with customers.
Hey Amy - sounds like you had a great day. So sorry I couldn't come visit with everybody. I had some appointments that ran long and I had lots of work to catch up on. Maybe I can stop by on Tues if that is convenient for you. I will be back over to visit my chiropractor again and then to get chicken food.
Actually I am still not home. 40 is closed and I am stuck in it. Been sitting here over 2 hours already. Supposed to be closed AT LEAST 2 more.

Kill me will be daylight before I even get home.

Left home 6:30 AM Saturday
Got back home 5:00 AM Sunday

I do not approve of this road trip. LOL
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Happy Sunday... I use DE to control the flies. There seems to be many opinions about DE. All I know is that it works really well for me. I layer it with the wood shavings in the coop and sprinkle it in the chicken yard. Now because my chickens are free range during the day...I cant sprinkle the whole 8 acres! I put it in the feed and that seems to keep the flies down too. I have use it for 3 years now. I have almost 100 chickens and the flies are really minimal. I too cant stand flies and go bulistic when they are in the house!!!! There are threads on here about a search.

Hope your day is wonderful!!!
Hey everyone, long time no talk! Me and my now wife, married last Saturday 5/21/11, just got back from Jamaica!! It was such a blast, neither of us wanted to come home. But here we are, back at the farm and reopened for business!
Oh, Janelle! I am so sorry to hear you were on the road for such a long time! Bless your heart, you won't read this until Monday because you will sleep forever to get over the exhaustion. Let's hope this is the worst trip you will ever have in your lifetime.
Glad to see the car got you back home though. I was very worried about you but I always am when you travel.

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