South Carolina

Your last picture.......she may be a mix, but she looks to be silver partridge. Although she has what appears to be some red leakage. Some silkie breeders say that is the same as gray....but I have been breeding them for over a yr and they aren't
All of mine did have a lavender daddy who also carried the partridge gene.

Thanks for giving me your best guess. At least she is getting some Silkie feathers now. She is a week older than the other chicks, which is good since they are rapidly catching up with her. She is also the loudest protester when being held, but we think it is because she was already 11 days old when we got her, where the others were only four days old. She is getting much better now. Watching her take the dust bath was hilarious!
I can't figure out how to vote. Color me stupid.

FOUND IT! Now you are tied for first place but it is a long time until the contest ends.
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Hope everyone's had a great weekend
Thought I'd post a couple pics of my babies free ranging yesterday. On another note...I decided to get one of my broodies some eggs to hatch. I got some bantam cochin eggs from luckypickens. I'm soo excited to see them hatch and see her be a mama. She's a happy camper now!


my little cochin eggs
can't wait for the babies to hatch!

one happy mama broody!

One of my handsome Blue Orpington cockerals that needs a good home!


my black austrolorps Opal and Onyx

2 buff orp mixes Ruby and Reba


My first chick I ever hatched..."Chicken Little" the BLRW (I know the name is SO original! lol)


This is Crook. I'm keeping this boy even though his little beak is messed up. He has the BEST personality and always comes running when he sees me
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Your last picture.......she may be a mix, but she looks to be silver partridge. Although she has what appears to be some red leakage. Some silkie breeders say that is the same as gray....but I have been breeding them for over a yr and they aren't
All of mine did have a lavender daddy who also carried the partridge gene.

Have you had silver partridge and grey as chicks? What did they look like? I had this cutie hatch last week and it's a silver color with partridge. Someone said it might be a splash but my splash have never had stripes.


It came from my flock but I'm not sure what coop! I also had this one hatch. It's white with partridge stripes. And a black dot on the back of the neck!

Hey everyone....Does anyone know of a processer here in the upstate to take birds to? We have birds to process and we have never done it before. Or maybe someone who would come to our house and teach us....

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