Southeast Virginia Looking to Re-home 6 Amazing hens.

I got the same problem with my rooster, I don't know if he knows he's a flock animal... He's too tame and too sweet to go in a big flock...
she told me that she is stopping alot of places on her way and she wouldnt want them to spend that much time on the road. I'm sorry. Thank you so much for your willingness to take them in and love them as your own.
Southeast Virginia, I go to visit my daughter in VA but I'm not sure where you are. We have chickens then we have the other chickens that go around all day wherever they want because the chickens beat them up. I would take them.
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We Lost our chicken Adria 2 days ago to what looked like a raccoon or a hawk. Today I woke up to feathers in the back yard and Little Terra has 2 gashes on her. We are taking care of her and loving her like crazy. I am very worried about the other 4 Chickens that we have and how long before the predator comes back. But I don't want little Terra to not have her sisters for her recovery or to be alone after she heals. The cuts are not as bad as alot of the ones I've seen on the Backyard chickens site. If someone is able to accept all of the chickens and love them like we would we can also give you a chicken coop that they love. I've never been in this situation and I am hoping someone that reads this has. They are great layers and great additions to my family. I know they will be great additions to yours.
I will take them all. I can come down and get them whenever you are ready. I have a truck and a trailor. We would love it if you'd let us have them. My daughter lives in Newport News. I've been down there often. Please consider letting them come live with us.

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