Southern CA Swap meet-up / Funday 9/24/11

I'll also sell my rooster too from the time that i won him.... but i'll keep all my hens. he is going to be $$100 i'll be bringing him to the meet if anyone is interested. my neighbors is just(they have already complained about my dog which is really not cool and my parents wanted to put my dog to sleep but i tried and trained him to not bark...)... i hate them... and my city do not allow rooster. i'm so very sad about this situation of mine. it just sucks how life dont workout sometimes.
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That's terrible Dennis! I hope your rooster goes to a good home. Here in San Diego County, we're up against a new ordinance that wants to limit roosters to 1 for lots less than 1/2 acre. I can't even THINK about taking home a new rooster until that gets resolved. I have 5 already, plus two chicks.
Any chance that he's be reasonable, and allow your rooster to be out and about from say 8am- 8pm? I know my husband doesn't like the early morning crowing, but the rest of the day he doesn't care. I'm going to insulate a big storage barn in my yard and put some night time pens in there for my roosters. Joey could also show you how to make a rooster box for night time hours?
my rooster is quiet crows in the afternoon and the koreans are just so nosy and such jerks where they just do not get along with what i keep... even my dog for godsakes... and i did make a joey's box but it was still not enough due to their nosyness.. i just have to continue with the breeding in the future where i buy my own house somewhere that allows chickens...but i'll be happy with just hens. since my city allows hens and they dont crow.
dennis i am interested in your incubator and i'll be at the meetup i'll also be looking for other seramas to add to my flock

Okay i'll see you at the meet = )

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