Southern California - Urban Farmer

Welcome to BYC
That sounds good! What breeds are you thinking of getting?
Looking for 2 Leghorns (white eggs), 2 Rhode Island Reds (brown eggs) I live in San Gabriel, CA. know of any places in the area?
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You might want to post on/ check your state thread for the best chance of finding people who knows where you can get chickens in your area this time of year most feed store type places carry chicks, so if you know any TSCs etc be sure to check there. Also check out the BYC Buy Sell Trade forum, there are from CA who advertise on there. Good luck in your search
I went to Wes Pet and Food in El Monte, CA.

I got 6 birds

2 Rhode Island Reds
1 White Leghorn
1 Brown Leghorn
1 Ameraucana
1 Welsummer
Good for you
another defenseless human acquires the chicken addiction. Now you are stuck with us, everyone else will think you are a chicken nut. Here you will be revered for it.

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