Space Coast Chicks?

heard about your little tragedy, Heather

Glad to hear you've made reinforcements already. You should contact your coop builder and let him know!
Just wanted to hear what y'all think about this storm, and what your chicken contingency plans are!
I don't think this one will be bad- but if we are ever in for an evacuation type doozy, the chickens go in my shower enclosure. It's the only room in the house with no windows, on the interior. I can leave the faucet to drip for water, and they would get a big ole thing of food....and hopefully the roof would still be intact when we get back.
That is a much better plan then mine.. DH is going to be hopefully reinforcing the coop this weekend so we can button it up tight. The only option we have is to get them in there and hope the winds don't tear it up. OR.. put them in the garage.. which is just not going to happen.. ideas are welcome
Hi y'all, I'm in SC but I sure wish I'd seen the thread before I spent week before last on Merritt Island! My 86 year old FIL lives there, I was helping him clean out the house a bit, he wants to move to a "retirement community" in LA.

Next time I head that way, I'd like to see if I can find some chicken people.

ETA, Please keep Emily there, or better yet, send her west. We really don't need the wind and rain yet.
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Thanks for thinking of me, Jen.

I have somewhat of a plan. Plan, for now, is to get them into the shed. I still need a super good cage but for now they're small enough to use cardboard boxes. Oh wait, my Easter Eggers are ROOSTING! I don't know if they'll want to stay in a box. I intentionally put their coop on the higher elevation on my property. We live in a flood zone. Oh wait, you live in Florida, so basically you do, too!
Our shed is a concrete block sturdy structure that locks & stays secure. I hope the babies will stay warm if the power goes out & their lamp isn't on. I can go out there & keep them warm. Hm...... my stove will work b/c it's on gas, so I can heat some hot water "packs" & put those somewhere that will keep them warm, but not burn them. Best I can think of at the moment!

Since the tragedy, every night I've longed to let the chickens come in the house & sleep in my bed at night. Okay, that's crazy, not doing it... but maybe if I didn't have a husband. Hmmmmmm...... KIDDING! I love my husband, he's not really into chickens, though. One thing I'd change about him. I love my birdies! Who knew that chickens were so cool & had such sweet personalities & could be so delightful!? Preaching to the choir here, I know.

So, friends, I hope the best for your flocks during the storms. Please post any ideas to keep them safe. I should cook all the food in my freezer just in case! Another plan I've had for awhile was to show-up at Ben & Jerry's if the power goes out. What if they lose all that ice cream!? I promise to help them eat it for free.
We have enough space between our four out buildings that everyone gets put inside and locked up for a large storm. Minor TS's we stay on the same daily routine of turning everyone out. If they want shelter they can go in. We are lucky to have the extra space, and plenty of cages with room to move around in them.
I have a suggestion for when we have our local swap. Since it appears most of us also like plants, why don't we bring along plants, seeds or cutting to share as well as anything else we care to swap. Think about it.
I think that is an AWESOME idea Carol!! I like plants and do good with seedlings seem to lack in the perpetuation of growth.
I really need some larger things I can plant so the chickens don't destroy them in minutes. I would love some small crepe myrtles, ginger plants, ferns, decorative grasses.. anything that is easy to maintain and can take full/partial sun.

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