Speckled Sussex and Cuckoo Maran?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
I just picked these two little "girls" up this weekend. I was told that they were a Speckled Sussex and a Cuckoo Maran, but I'm not sure... I was also told that they are both pullets, any thoughts??

The photos above are of the alleged Speckled Sussex pullet

Below are the photos of the "Cuckoo Maran pullet". She's very plucked (from where I got her) and she does have tail feathers coming in-- these photos make her look rumpless, but I don't think that's that's the case. She is the absolute sweetest little thing ever. She follows me around like a puppy and wants to be held all of the time. She's a pitiful little thing right now with all of those missing feathers, but hopefully she'll end up being a beautiful girl.

And here's a shot of her feathered feet

I think you are right about your breeds. Though the Maran looks boyish to me, but s/he could be a pullet, it can happen. Good luck~
Are Marans the ones where the males are lighter? The lady had about 6 of these little buggers and 1 was significantly lighter colored. That was her only basis for gender determination.
Your SS is a girl. Your maran looks like a boy.

Here's my maran at 8+ weeks

I am thinking I can see some saddle hackle growing on that SS. I looked through lots of pics of my 5 SS pullets and none have that saddle hackle look to them at any age. I am leaning more toward cockerel on the SS.
Here's my SS at 10 weeks old, not the greatest shot, but her comb is big and pink like yours.

She was always difficult to photo. A long tail on an SS indicates female.

Good luck with your maran, I hope I'm wrong. Here's a cockerel cuckoo maran at 4 weeks. Look at his feathering and how white he is. I traded him in for the female. I didn't want a boy maran. He wasn't sweet either. My female is very sweet tempered.


After looking at your photos, I do think you have both girls. My maran is now 9 weeks old and her comb is reddening.
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True, the SS doesn't have pointy saddle feathers.
Here's my SS at 10 weeks old, not the greatest shot, but her comb is big and pink like yours.

She was always difficult to photo. A long tail on an SS indicates female.
Good luck with your maran, I hope I'm wrong. Here's a cockerel cuckoo maran at 4 weeks. Look at his feathering and how white he is. I traded him in for the female. I didn't want a boy maran. He wasn't sweet either. My female is very sweet tempered.


After looking at your photos, I do think you have both girls. My maran is now 9 weeks old and her comb is reddening.

This is a cockerel at 5months (COPY AND PASTED)

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