Compost King
Free Ranging
I am not really seeking advice here, I know what to do but if someone wants to chime in with advice maybe it helps someone else so its still welcome. I just have 2 bantams RI Reds (male and female) who were raised in a cage with a bunch of other bantams. They are fully feathered but not mature. I have them in a coop they do not seem to want to leave. Until dark when the come out to roost. I just put them back in the coop at night so no big deal. I just thought that was a little different of a situation than I have encountered before. Even if I can't fix it they are easy to find because they roost in a small pen and I have to shut their coop every night and picking up 2 small birds and putting them on the roosting bar isn't exactly much of a chore. I honestly believe a couple days of heavy rain might cure them from roosting outside. Now if only I can get them to come out and forage, the pen is starting to look like a small fallow field. I never had an occupied chicken pen with plants growing in it lol.