Spilling the Tea (chat thread)

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I'm heading to my parents... My mom is baking cookies :drool I know I eat vegan usually but during the holidays I become a vegetarian so I can eat sweets :lau

She's making haystacks (butterscotch spiders) and a bunch of other cookies!
I really like this chat thread! Thanks for starting it @FortCluck! :thumbsup I've decided to only do this chat thread. I think that if I followed more than one or two I would get overwhelmed. :rolleyes: So, I want a new fish tank for one of my Betta's for Christmas! :D
I'm probably going to mix up the threads I'm following :lau
Here's a pic of my black Cochin. Her name is Pants. Next to her is Mama Chicken. The little shrimp in the back is HeiHei, he's new.

:lau:lau:lau The only posts I skip are From Ralphie (Cough @duluthralphie cough) Cause he has nothing nice to say about dux! :rant
Yeah I've heard him say stuff about ducks, but to each their own. If someone has never had good experiences or any experience they tend to not like things.

My ducks are pretty and amazing

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