
One day I think girl and the next roo... Ideas?


And how old now? Looks like pretty pink wattles... But I have NO idea really. I am bad at sexing, I sure wish someone else would guess for you. :/

They are around 11 weeks. I can't keep them both if they are both boys. I also have a olive-egger rooster. The three get along great but I don't have near enough girls for them all. Just comparing Benny with the other has me confused. I don't want to lose a girl either.
I'm not guessing

I always guess wrong - and since I don't cull until well after the first molt or even the first year - I keep 'em all until they are fully adults .... Maybe more expensive in feed - but I think many cull too quickly and miss when a bird grows into some traits ... but that is just me and I am still all starry eyed and in my first real year of trying to be a breeder for this lovely bird. :)
Here's a pic of my 13-14 wk old Spitzhaubens.
The one in front next to the Bielefelder is a female.
I really like her neat, forward crest.

The one in the back with the largest crest is my other female. She was the chick that was almost all white when she started growing in feathers.

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