splash and blue color questions and leg color


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
what does one look for in a good or show quality splash and blue? is there a color chart, is the splash supposed to be even spread, very light, or does it just depend on the bird? can you tell I am trying to pick my keepers, and they are still a bit young lol but my brooders runith over

also with Ameraucanas and araucanas should I go for the ones with all slate colored legs or will the pink tones with mostly slate color grow out to be all slate later?
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Ameraucanas should have slate legs; most araucana varieties shold have willow legs, although whites should have yellow legs.

Splash is very irregular, but the splashing should not be more than 50% dark. Some folks prefer smoother colour transition, others like more contrast.
How old? Chickens go through many changes until they reach maturity, once they do, things like skin tend to not change colours, although plumage can change to some extent with each molt.

There are some breeds where it is not uncommon to have legs with a somewhat mottled appearance. I think it is one of the plumage dilution genes that does this, but it's not something I've paid much attention to.
Sometimes, but, in my experience, not always, mo gives mottled legs.
A gene id^a giving green spots on the shanks of anconas was proposed after a study on the breed, but from my experience another suggestion which has been made, that the effect could have been due to mo plus modifyers, seems a better fit.
A pretty splash--as the bird gets older it will probably develop more splashing. Check the hackle and saddle feathers--if they are pointed at the end > it is male; if they are rounded ) female.

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