Splash copper maran Rooster or Pullet?


5 Years
Aug 21, 2014
Rooster Blue Maran

Splash Maran - not sure what this bird is? The Blue Maran is the brother from the same hatch, clearly a rooster.
It is slow developing and feathering in weird compared to the blue isn't it, with the red coming in on the shoulders though, would vote cockerel.
It is slow developing and feathering in weird compared to the blue isn't it, with the red coming in on the shoulders though, would vote cockerel.

x2, but dont give up hope... it kinda looks like a hen too...

wow, you have a bunch of roos! That black Ameraucana is absolutely gorgeous! And I see another behind the roo in question. And the blue copper in pic one, I can see his beautiful tail in pic 2.
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Yes the blue maran is a rooster he was the first to crow. It's the splash I can not figure out!? The blue maran is the bother and same hatch.

I have five roosters in total, the black ameraucana is our favourite, his name is John Wayne. The blue ameraucana is boss hog. Both those are keepers. They are both very beautiful boys :)

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