Splash/lavender Orpington Genders - 6 weeks old


Apr 15, 2020
I have 3 6-week old Orpington chicks, and I’m curious about their genders! They came from a breeder, and are supposed to be the English variety. I have read in a few places that they can be a little tricky to sex, so I just thought I would ask for input from anyone familiar with the breed! Pics below.
I’m sure Hank, the splash, is a cockerel. He feathered much more slowly and is just starting to get some silvery tint to him. He was initially the biggest, and doesn't care to be touched much at all.
The two lavenders feathered much more quickly, and they looked identical until last week. I was positive I had two pullets, but now I’m not sure at all. "Harriet" has gotten as big as Hank, and has developed some comb, no waddles yet though. She is definitely the most vocal of the bunch. Hannah is petite and docile.

What do y’all think? Call me crazy... I can see that rooster "eye" in Hank, but not the other two LOL.

Hank, splash ?cockerel?

Hannah, lavender ?pullet?

Harriet, lavender ??
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Hank looks just solid white :O I've never seen a splash without any spots before! I agree that Hank is probably gonna end up being a cockerel, that second lavender is suspicious but time will tell, some ladies can get really large combs!
Yeah i agree the second is suspicious lol. She/he is the one I am concerned about as I was ok with one cockerel but not TWO! Hank is hard to get a good pic of... the lighting doesn't do him justice, no matter how I try to photograph him. He was a yellow chick, and he feathered in ivory. On his wings, some of his feathers have a silvery base, and his head appears shadowed/silvery also. I'm hoping he will develop more color as he matures...?
I think Hank is a splash, just does not have very clear markings. He may get more as he gets older. Some splash look almost white with a more greyish head.
If he was white, I would expect his shanks to be more pink.
I agree with above though on the genders. Hank is a boy, Hannah is a girl, and Harriet MOST likely a girl, but still undeterimined at this age. Nice birds!☺️
If he was white, I would expect his shanks to be more pink.
I have seen White Orpingtons with both white/pink chanks and slate. I believe I've heard this is some indication of whether the birds are dominant or recessive White. Chick down also indicates whether they are gold-based or silver-based Whites.
I think Hank is a splash, just does not have very clear markings. He may get more as he gets older. Some splash look almost white with a more greyish head.
If he was white, I would expect his shanks to be more pink.
I agree with above though on the genders. Hank is a boy, Hannah is a girl, and Harriet MOST likely a girl, but still undeterimined at this age. Nice birds!☺️
He has a grey/silver tint to his head and some of his wing feathers. It just doesn’t show very well with the camera.
What did the third chick turn out to be? I have ten that are seven weeks old. Two are definitely cockerels with significant combs and wattles, five have barely there combs so very hopeful hens and three are kind of halfway in between - one with emerging wattle, the other two no visible wattles yet.

Don’t know if anyone is still watching but maybe I’ll try to post pictures.
What did the third chick turn out to be? I have ten that are seven weeks old. Two are definitely cockerels with significant combs and wattles, five have barely there combs so very hopeful hens and three are kind of halfway in between - one with emerging wattle, the other two no visible wattles yet.

Don’t know if anyone is still watching but maybe I’ll try to post pictures.
Sorry for the delayed response! I wound up with one lavender hen, a big beautiful lavender roo, and the other roo is still very pale ivory with silver and buff in his wings/tail.

Hannah and Hank above


Big Harry

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