splash silkie hatched july 20


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 5, 2007
I know its extremely hard to sex silkies. But I was curious about guesses. It is a bearded silkie.

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I'm guessing female. Males tend to be a lot taller, and have a bigger comb. Her squat stance and small comb hidden by her crest make me think that she is a pullet. It will be easier to tell when she gets older, though.
I'm going to say pullet for now. The comb isn't very large, the body is rounded, and the stance and feathering are pullet-like. But Silkies are notorious for being difficult to sex. When she's a little older, I would post new photos; by then it should be more obvious. However, sometimes you don't know the gender of a Silkie until it either crows or lays an egg.
Thanks for everyones replies thus far : ) Its fun just to see what everyone guesses. Ill post pics in a few weeks and see if anything has changed.

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