
splash chickens are white with blue and black spots on them.
that is a splash polish
Well, if you jump in a pool you make a big splash, and drops of water form streaks where they fall. If you drop an open can of paint, the splashes that it generates are a bit more permanent.
Anyways, that is what a splash looks like: background of light to medium slate (sometimes white), with irregular splashes of dark blue throughout the plumage.
for good dark splashes breed blueXblue, this will give you 25% splash offspring, splashXsplash will give you 100% splash, but the color will wash out
atleast this is what i experience
Our best splash comes from breeding splash male over blue female,take the blue pullets from this breeding and breed them back over the the splash father.Then you will get quality splash.
Beautiful splash cochins!
I always love the pics of the blue and splash cochins. They are like a bundle of feathers!

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