Splay or slipped tendon or????? Need help

Hey guys I splinted them and put them in slings they have been in them for about 34 hrs I unwrapped them to rewrap them and check out the progress so far. But my question is should I rewrap them still?what do you all think ?grey is doing good. But orange has made improvment to but I think may need more she is trying to stand up right and walk but I think doesn't quite have the muscle.here is a video of them right after unwrapping there legs
Sorry I haven’t seen your last posts. I would keep them in splints for 4-5 days. You can remove them to see what progress they are making, and put them back on. My chick with splay legs did well after 4 days. If, after 5 days, they are not better, then I would consider removing them or evaluating after another day. At some point, though, you need to try something else or let them be.
Sorry, i just saw the video from a couple days ago. I do think they are looking better. How are they now? If you are still doing the splints, maybe try a little more time out of them, between changes. They will have to learn how to walk out of them, and that takes their little brains a bit of time to adjust and tell their legs what to do.
I’d give some Nutridrench too, for some extra vitamins.
So update, I did put orange back in splints last night, so I figure I will take her out tomorrow for a day. Little grey is still using both feet on the ground and is running jumping everything. She holds it up for a sec when she wakes then stretches the leg back then she's pretty good in fact she picks on orange a lot almost want to put her outside with the rest of them.so do you think I still need to splint grey? I looked at her tendon and it actually looks the same as her good leg now running down the back.I think orange may have more of a disfigurment of the joint going on. Her hocks are huge and I can't tell if its swollen or natural but they r hard. And I don't think the tendons are running correctly either. But I still have hope. Do u think there may be a chance for her? I am giving them life lytes and probiotic in water and poly vi sol vitamin drops couple times a day.do u think there is anything else I can do? Thanks for all the help
O yes and little orange progress was like in the video it stayed basically the same , a few steps and can hold up right for a moment but then shed lay back down. Grey has improved is no longer wobbly.just has a little hop when she's speeding around.
So I left orange in splints for about another 30 hrs and took her out and she has improved even more this second time around. She can hold her self up for longer periods of time while she eats drinks and she even tries to run around now. I also hobbled her when I took her out the splints and that seem to help a lot too.She walks funny I will have to take a video of it. She still trips and falls and is wobbly. But she doesn't bend her joints when she walks. Bad news is grey was fine and we left for a day came back and she was limping. Her hock was very swollen and looked like the tendon had slipped again. So she is back in a splint. Am taking her out tomorrow to see what it looks like. But ibthink this time I will rewrap and keep it on a few extra days. I was really upset cause she was doing so good..will try to post video. Of orange walking tomorrow and maybe u guys can tell me what u think.
I’m copying/pasting from another post, but you can try this. Some have had luck with it.

Here's what I would try if it were mine. Hold your left hand out, palm up, fingers toward the right, in front of your chest. Lay the chick's belly in your left hand, feet pointing back toward your body, overhanging your pinky finger/palm. Grasp the feet and legs between your right thumb and forefinger. Slowly lower your left hand (kinda bowling ball or lawn-dart starting motion) and let the bird dangle for just a few seconds. Twist your wrist outward, and the bird's reaction should be to lift its head/chest/body upward toward your hand. (keep your hand under, but not touching, and don't drop her! lol) When it does, you can re-grab the body. This will sometimes "reset" a slipped hip or knee joint. It won't hurt the bird, and I would think its worth a try.
LOL Ok I just tried this, and my lil lil she tried to right herself back up toward my hand.

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