Spliced!---Genetic testing---new rp---needs players!

Kitty opened her eyes as the slimy liquid left her body. Claustrophobia took over as she felt the tube. In a panic, not even noticing the removal of her mask, she began to beat the glass. Her eyes searched for anything that could get her out. Then she saw the button. Frantically, she pushed and sprang - no not sprang - flew out. Oh, man. She had wings! And a tail. Panic started to return to the edges of her mind, but she was distracted by the food. And the people - if they, like her, could really be described as people. She stalked over.
Gideon's eyes fluttered open. The mechanical arm took the mask away from his face and he looked around him, fascinated. Out of curiosity, he pushed the button. He stepped out of the tube. That's when he noticed the - people? And food. He walked over.
Name Cody
gender M
genetic splice horse
personality gental nice and caring

Hasis approached the table, fearless. He skimmed through the portions of the food, until he detected honey.
Bow felt a sharp pain in her mouth and tasted blood. She realized that she had bitten the inside of her cheeks, but she hadn't done it so hard. So why was she bleeding? She opened her mouth and brought her finger and accedentally pricked her finger on a fang. I have fangs?! she thought, her eyes wide as she wiped the blood off her finger. She peered around the room at the other.... People. Or what ever they were. She didn't know wether to call them -and herself- human or not. She took a few steps towards the table of food, but stumbled, falling forward. She closed her eyes and waited to hit the ground, but she didn't come in contact with anything. She peeked her eyes open and saw she was a few feet off the floor. Her eyes widened as she realized she was flying. Her surprise made her wings snap back behind her and she fell to her feet. She stood up and tried to stop the shaking in her legs. Had she always been able to fly? She didn't know. She couldn't remember a single thing before getting out of the glass tube.

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