Spoiled Chicks... Do they even know they are chickens? (pictures)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
Ord Nebraska

a little over a month ago i got my first 3 buff chicks. Ever since i got them, they have been totally attatched to me. They see me and they literally run for the gate, and not to get out... but to jump all over me. If i dont sit down with them, they literally are pulling at my pants and sitting on my boots. They have finally lost all their baby fuzz, so you can picture the size they are roughly. I usually open the gate and sit down and most times, all 3 of them are chirping away and jumping all over me and eventually just curl up on my arms or all perch and poof up on my legs. My favorite chick, ruby, she is always jumping and sitting on my shoulders. Ruby even fell asleep, SPRAWLED out and head laying over my arm with her legs kicked out and everything! All 3 of them would rather be sittin in my lap or perched on me rather than playing around the yard with the other 3 chicks of mine. They follow me everywhere i go and are always are right there by me when im trying to work in the yard, its pretty funny. Probably one of the most funny things they do, is when you come out to see them... they literally stick their chest out to have them rubbed. they LOVE to have their "tummies" rubbed lol its hilarious and they have a certain tone of clicking whenever i come around and are petting them or giving them attention..... maybe they think they are dogs? lol

My grandma finds SO much humor in the pictures i have of them. She says they are spoiled rotten and probably dont even know they are chickens. She just about died the first time they stuck their little chest out to her finger, i didnt even have to tell her about it haha she can inside and said youve got to be kidding me, they literally wanted their little chests rubbed!

i adore all of my chicks, but these 3 little buffs are so friendly and hilarious i cant barely take it :)

hope you liked the pictures. ruby is my favorite, she has the bright red comb, but the other 2 are just as adorable, ruby just seems the be the take charge chick, so she stands out lol
Absolutely adorable :) I'm so glad you shared and that you are having a great time with your chicks! However, I think Ruby is a Rudy
haha ive been debating that too since her comb and wottles are grown out more than the other girls... that maybe someone put her back in the wrong brooder before i got her.. we will see but so far, i think she just is a little older than the other girls because shes been the first one to grow her big chick feathers in, first to lose her baby fuzz and stuff... so im wondering if hes just a little ahead. my grandmas buff has a big red comb and wottles too, but it is possible that later on she could be a rudy lol i hope not cause i had a dog named rudy lol :)
haha oh no lol what makes you both so sure? just curious.. its my first time raising chicks from the start.. i just thought she might be a little older... what are some ways i can tell?
well as far as I know...roos combs and wattles get red as they grow...but hens dont get red until right before they start laying...that is what I have read...it may differ from breed to breed.
If Ruby was a pullet, with waddles and comb that big and color, she would have to be about 18 weeks old :( I believe that there will be many more who say that Ruby is a Rudy...or Randy...since you don't want to confuse your dog :)
Gonna have to agree on this one Ruby is a Robby. Hens dont normal get their red like the roos do. Keep handling him and giving him treats and he should be a nice boy. Hens are happier when they have a rooster. I have three buff babys and one that looks like a rir or hampshire red. cant wait for them to finish feathering so I can tell who is what.

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