Spoiled Chicks... Do they even know they are chickens? (pictures)

These chickens are very cute! Especially the babies! My children and I were oohing and aahing over them! Someone should be a photographer!
Love your pics! Hopefully you can keep Rudy or Robbie or whoever he turns out to be - I hear buff orps can be pretty docile roos. I'm hoping that works out for me as well, because I have my suspicions that our BO Frannie is actually a Frankie, haha!
yeah ruby was in the pellet box.. on my profile i have pictures of them all as chicks, they seemed to be the same size and all when i got them and the only difference i could even tell was that rubys fuzz on her head was a little bit more orangy red, which is why i named her ruby. so im guessing maybe she will be a roo since they all started out the same size??

Ruby in the middle ^
Ruby in the back corner ^
Ruby on the right ^

and yes ive had to keep track of ways to tell the difference as they get older, i used to be able to tell by the wing length, but there are a few other ways i find as they grow older to tell them apart lol
In that middle pic, the one with Ruby in the back corner, he already looks like a little roo with that cocky stance!
i love to take pictures of them, they are so cute! and i actually do try and take some fancy pictures lol i have all kinds of countryside photos, views, chicken and farm pictures on my facebook that i love to share. i use instagram on my iphone:) thank you for the compliments! i have some more of my other chicks also on my profile page.. i should just upload a new album of my photography lol
oh lordy lol well i suppose you all know more about that topic than i do lol but if she is a little roo, then im glad that so far she hasnt been hostile or anything. i didnt have a single problem with any of my 3 "girls" pecking or fighting at all, they get along really well. although when i did put my other 3 chicks who are about a week or so younger, ruby was sort of the "bully" but that only lasted a couple days and they all get along now... so maybe if they just stay happy and get along i wont have a mean roo, or any chicks at all lol
Roos don't have to be mean...they can be docile and love their ladies! My NN roo, although he doesn't want to be held, will defend his ladies and myself from anything. Patty, my silver laced bantam cochin, 9 months old, will sit on my lap and let me pet him for hours. He runs right to me to be pet. Rooster doesn't have to be synonymous with mean.
here are some pictures i went out and took of ruby just now.. sort of blurry some are but i tried to get a few of different angles and such
(not on top of the baby, just beside her)

I still think...Randy, sorry.

If it's any consolation, that chick is absolutely adorable...I can see why you love to cuddle him :)
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I agree that Ruby is actually a Rudy, and it is so funny because my grown rooster's name is Rudy, too!.....And, he is an absolute baby. He lays in my lap, nuzzles under my arm, and snuggles with me as long as I will pet him, and sometimes longer. I wish he wasn't so sweet so that I could feel ok getting rid of him, because he is so loud and the agreement between my husband and I was "no roosters"...oh, well, he's here to stay.

I also have an EE chick that is one month old today and is showing the same red comb as your Ruby is. I've had him pegged as a rooster at around two weeks at feathering out. Unfortunately, I won't be able to keep him...

Anyway, congrats on your beautiful spoiled chicks!!!!

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