Spots inside egshell, Mold??

I wouldn't even know... I just imagined:

"Hello, thanks for calling city hall. How can I help you?"

"Yes- Hi, can you tell me who I need to talk to about these duck eggs?"

Sounds like old eggs that have been sitting in a nest without being turned. Moisture and microbes have been taken in through the pores.

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Oh ok...I had horrible thoughts that you were pilfering native wild duck eggs..... :)

I've never incubated eggs...but I would be very leery of the spots. Maybe incubate them separately so that they won't contaminate any other eggs? Keep us posted!
Sounds like old eggs that have been sitting in a nest without being turned. Moisture and microbes have been taken in through the pores.

That was kind of my first conclusion. But BYC had no relevant info. I wish I could swab it and send it somewhere for analysis! Do you think its possible a duckling could still develop, or would the microbes probably kill it, or maybe compete for nutrients...?

Oh ok...I had horrible thoughts that you were pilfering native wild duck eggs..... :)

I've never incubated eggs...but I would be very leery of the spots. Maybe incubate them separately so that they won't contaminate any other eggs? Keep us posted!

lol, I think the only ducks here are mallards, and they have bluish eggs right? I hope I didn't take mallard eggs... But there are eggs in that park all the time and kids take them and toss em around and who knows what else. I actually threw one away that looked like it had been shaken so badly, the air cell was broken into about 20 bubbles. It was cracked too, or I might have tried it.

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