Sprained or Broken ankle. How do you treat?


Chicken crazy
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
With chickens somewhere.......
A couple days ago we found our duck Tulip limping out in the yard. It looked like our bigger duck was bullying her so we took here out and separated her. We have been gone so I didn't get a chance to realy treat her until today. We have been bathing her to give her leg a rest and maybe help to heal it. The main source of her pain was in her ankle so we looked at it under a flash light hoping to see where the problem was. It didn't look like there were any broken bones but her ankle was very swollen so I am suspecting she sprained it.
Has anyone ever had or treated something like this before? Here's a pic of her ankle so you can see it.
For a sprain, I make an Epsom salt compress, apply it twice a day. Sprains can take several days to resolve.

I use about 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in half a cup of water, soak a clean cloth, and wrap that around the leg for ten minutes.

Some people put the Epsom salt solution in a small flat-bottomed bucket or sturdy bowl and stand the duck in the water, gently holding the duck. With that leg, I would go with a compress.
Hi @ArtGirl . I was wondering if you could give us an update on your duck? How is she doing and what did you do to help treat her?

My indian runner is experiencing what I think is the exact same thing. I have ES compresses in my back pocket, like Amiga suggested for you. But I can tell the ankle is so painful right now, that I don't want to fiddle with it until it's healed a little more. So in the mean time, I'm going to pen her to keep her seperated from the others (we have 5 other females and 2 drakes, so I figure it's a really good idea to protect her from all the mating that goes on!).

I really appreciate your update, thank you!
Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I just got back from a 4 week camping trip.
What we ended up doing is making something that would take the pressure off of her ankle. We took a t shirt and cut 3 holes in it two for leg holes and one for a poop hole so the t shirt wouldn't get all dirty. Then we stapled the t shirt to a box and put her in it. There was a huge difference after she was in it and she gradually started using her leg more and more. we also wrapped her leg so it would stay extended and soaked it in Epsom salt.
She is now pretty much healed and is back with her flock. I think that it was a small fracture because of the way she was trying not to use the part of her leg below her ankle and how long it took to heal.
Hope this helps and that your duckie is feeling better.

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