Spreading eye issues in flock


Apr 1, 2022
New Hampshire
I had posted the other day about one of my hens acting strange and noticed a peck injury near her eye which was starting to look infected
I had separated her and put triple antibiotic eye ointment which seemed to help she perked up starting eating/ drinking ect so I put her back with the flock.
Now two other hens have 1 eye that is swollen otherwise acting normally.
I have not introduced any outside flock members.
I purchased pet silver eyewash and vet rx
Does it seem likely that it’s some kind of conjunctivitis going around? If so does the silver eye wash seem appropriate?

No one responded on my thread about my hen the other day so hoping to get some insight. This is the first illness I’ve dealt with since owning chickens.

Thanks so much for your help!
Has there been some pecking going on? Do you have any pictures? Have you noticed any bubbles or foam in the eye, or white pus? Has there been any sneeze, cough, head shaking, or crackles with breathing? I would use saline eye wash to clean the eye, and then Terramycin eye ointment twice a day. Conjunctivitis can be common with respiratory diseases, such as MG. Hopefully, it is not that, but Tylosin or Tylan is used to treat those.

When you do not get any answers to your thread or posts, keep it active by posting more or asking again for help. Sometimes there may not be people online who have answers. I do see now that you did that. Sorry.
Has there been some pecking going on? Do you have any pictures? Have you noticed any bubbles or foam in the eye, or white pus? Has there been any sneeze, cough, head shaking, or crackles with breathing? I would use saline eye wash to clean the eye, and then Terramycin eye ointment twice a day. Conjunctivitis can be common with respiratory diseases, such as MG. Hopefully, it is not that, but Tylosin or Tylan is used to treat those.

When you do not get any answers to your thread or posts, keep it active by posting more or asking again for help. Sometimes there may not be people online who have answers. I do see now that you did that. Sorry.
I have not seen any discharge/ puss or head shaking. I do hear a sneeze occasionally but nothing consistent. We did have a rooster who was becoming increasingly aggressive who is now gone since Saturday so I suppose the injuries could have been caused by him.

I will start with the eyewash and eye ointment and hope it resolves.

Thanks so much!

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