Spring 2011 RAISE-A-LONG!

Look at these CUTIES!!!

this is our Lover....Chili. She is ALWAYS the first one to your hand in the box, and just LOOOVES to snuggle.



And just LOOK at those pretty feathers coming in on our EE, Jade:



And our Barred Rock, Ruby, is getting so cute. Her "bars" are starting to come in, so it is fun watching these stripes slowly emerge!
So I changed my peeps bedding this afternoon and put a good 3 inches of bedding back in, in an effort to keep them from paying too much attention to the black trash bags on the bottom of their brooder box (yeah right).

I put them back in, and voila! One of them starts scratching and taking dust baths in her new bedding! The other three just stood around and waited for her to finish so that they could "eat" the bedding off of her back.

Silly peeps!
So I gave my girls a grape today...turns out they LOVE grapes!!! I had given one to them the other day, all cut up. They were not even remotely interested in it. But today, I split it in half and squeezed it a little bit. They ate it right out of my hands for a few minutes, and when I dropped it in there it was a game of keep away
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OOOoooh wait for me....Great idea for a post...I am Momma Hen to a flock of 6....they came from TSC and are now 2 1/2 weeks...I have already got them spoiled, as I had been feeding them boiled eggs(chopped), well, to my laziness after work yesterday, didn't want to make a trip into town for just eggs....so tried getting by with no treat....talk about making me feel bad....whoa...they kept peepin and staring at me from thier brooder, if I would walk by it, they would all jump up as if I was going to give them "thier treats"...well, one eve of that is all I can handle, after work I so be getting thier eggs!!!! Anyhoo, hoping for 1 roo and all others to be pullets, but we know how that goes, 5 from pullet bin and 1 from straight run...but they are wonderful and I am very attached...i get the chicken math but the bf doesn't...UGH!!! We haven't really named them, but have some in mind, just waiting for some further development to make sure....coop is under construction...other than that...just lovin' my peeps!!! Have a great day everybody!!!!
Well I'm up to 9 chicks now, and a duckling. I've been lurking more than posting so can't put up pictures yet. My original 6 chicks (Polish Crested, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Barred Rock and two white ones that I forget what breed they are), are 6 weeks now. I also bought two Pekin ducklings several weeks ago but one died. The surviving duckling has been raised in the house as a pet for now. Then Wednesday I bought two little fuzzy footed Bantams at the local Orscheln, but one died.... so today I picked up two more Bantams to keep the first company lol. When I can post pictures I will, I need input on breeds as well when I can get the pictures up.
well my first group is outside now. I have them with my silkies and bantams. So far so good. They are 10 weeks old now. They are EE pullets. My hatch group is 3 weeks and 1 day old. They are so fun to watch. I have them in the living room now they were in the office i wanted them to be in here till they were a little older. Every time you walk by they just poke their heads up and it makes me laugh because it looks like a bunch of baby dinosaurs with their heads up. LOL
I am needing to wait till they are able to go outside before I can hatch more eggs. They are in the only thing i can put them into as of right now. Monday we are going to start building some pens for the others that I want to start separating, and I think I will have Richard build me a small building of some sort to turn into a brooder area. This way they are outside but then again I like them when they are inside. To many decisions. LOL

Newbie here! Just found out today that hubby is agreeable to getting chicks... He usually grumbles when I bring any living thing home. So we are carefully planning our Chicken "strategy" for next weeks purchase. Bought the basics...and now just getting everything set up to bring home babies! We are sooo excited! I've been following the BYC for months now and can't wait to get started. So many great tips, tricks and information here. Thank you BYC for the site! It's awesome~
...and you are so right!!! I love BYC and the info, it has def helped me and my many questions!!! Enjoy your babies and may you become as addicted to BYC as I am....so much for facebook...it is all about BYC these days!!!!!
Welcome to BYC this site is sooo addicting so when you get ready to explore the site do not forget to set your kitchen timer so you do not forget about your other chores, errands ect that you need to do like i do LOL. So i tend to set mine to remind myself to get off now and then.
Have fun with your new babies. and post pics we would love to see what you get.

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