Spring 2011 RAISE-A-LONG!

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Just shipped off 72 hatching eggs this morning, I felt like I was sending off my children!

I hope the P.O. is very gentle with them!

I have some Splash/Blue Orpington Project eggs coming...they lave Olive Green eggs so this should be interesting!!

I'm trying very hard not to bid on other eggs..but I'm fixing to give in!


Haha. I hate getting rid of any birds. I'm always thinking things like "well she could come in handy for such and such..."​
Hey, this is smart! I have a new 10 x 12 coop under construction, and am super excited! It should have a near 20 x 20 run. All should be predator proof. In one year, that's three coops.

Woot! Then I have five 6 week old Del chicks from speckledhen that are moved out. One is being culled this week due to the dwarfing gene, though. Take a look at my website for pics.
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Be great as a coop I have one like that but mine is all wood. When I open the door and look in i have my nest boxes on my right side with a perch that runs in front of their boxes. Down on in the corner on the right side is the door for them to go to the run. On the Left side dh added some more perches for those that need it. I also had a small shelf that i put in the corner of the shed in the right hand corner in the back and we also put in a window for ventilation in the summer. I think I will have him add a vent in the back and the left side up top for more ventilation. Love my coop. might insulate mine better for next winter. we got it used so needs some up keep.

Haha. I hate getting rid of any birds. I'm always thinking things like "well she could come in handy for such and such..."

I know..I keep thinking..well what if I got this chick or...
I want to join

Hubby bought me 3 black sex link and 3 red sex link chicks at a livestock supply place. TSC kept selling out of chicks before we could get there to get any. This is my first time raising chickens from chicks. I'm looking forward to it, right now I get to sit in my living room listening to them "sing" to me. I was also wondering how much is too much when handling chicks. My kids love them but I'm worried they are picking them up too much.
I love this thread! Thanks for showing us your chicks everyone! Mine are 4 days old and here they are:


They are singing to me right now. I think they know I'm writing about them!
Curses to TSC and the adorable babies! Also why DH is NOT allowed to go to the store with 14 y/o, 6 y/o and 3 y/o DD without supervision.

Well, they had black silkies. So they brought home 7 of those. Really? Do we NEED more chickens???? When we have brooders full right now??? Ok, fine, they are cute and we already have bantam Cochins for the cute factor and the girls will enjoy showing them in 4-H even if it's pet class.

But grrr, they have EEs. The girls want blue and green eggs. No, no, no. I do NOT like the EEs we've had. The roo was the most evil bird, and the girls were dumb as rocks, but I shouldn't insult rocks. But since a voice of reason was not there, they got 6 of them. May they have a few brains, otherwise they will be in freezer camp.

AND for whatever lack of brains reason DH has, they brought home 13 ducklings. I do not want more ducks!

Why when TSC has been out of chicks every other time this year, the one time I do not go with or send 17 y/o DS with is the one time they have chicks and ducklings.

Oh well, disgustingly cute babies they are.
I am almost jealous of your chicks! I will gladly take them!

I have been looking at TSC for silkies for God knows how long now, and I can NEVER find them where I am

I think I may just break out the old incubator and make the silkies myself, lol
I am almost jealous of your chicks! I will gladly take them!

I have been looking at TSC for silkies for God knows how long now, and I can NEVER find them where I am

I think I may just break out the old incubator and make the silkies myself, lol

Good luck prying them from the hands of a 14 y/o, 6 y/o and 3 y/o who think they are the most adorable chickies ever! Well, at least all the chicks in this family do turn into happy, calm adults. Never had a hen be flighty or skittish.
Be great as a coop I have one like that but mine is all wood. When I open the door and look in i have my nest boxes on my right side with a perch that runs in front of their boxes. Down on in the corner on the right side is the door for them to go to the run. On the Left side dh added some more perches for those that need it. I also had a small shelf that i put in the corner of the shed in the right hand corner in the back and we also put in a window for ventilation in the summer. I think I will have him add a vent in the back and the left side up top for more ventilation. Love my coop. might insulate mine better for next winter. we got it used so needs some up keep.


Yeah, the only problem I think I might have with it is trying to install windows and a pop-door to the run in it with it being a steel structure...

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