Spring 2017 first timers post!

Chicks have arrived! I ordered 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Easter Eggers, and 1 Cuckoo Maran. I received an extra chick that I'm assuming is another Easter Egger.

I have hem in a box with pine shavings and paper towel over it so that they get their footing. Should I remove the paper? I also have them on medicated starter feed and water infused with Nutri Drench. How long should I have them on the Nutri Drench? When can I start giving them clippings and grit? I have a probiotic powder can I give them that in their water next?

I left my chicks on the paper towel for about 3 days, but I wanted it in there long enough that I could tell that they knew what their food was and I knew they wouldn't try to eat the shavings too much. They still pick at the shavings, but they don't eat them. I didn't use nutridrench, I just put apple cider vinegar in their water. I did that for the first 2 times I filled the water. That was probably about a week. All of my chicks were active and healthy by then so I wasn't worried about them. I offered mine grit after a week and I gave them a couple mealworms for treats. Mealworms are the most entertaining treat ever! Once we had some sunny days above freezing I took my babies outside for a little while and they scratched around and found their own treats.
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I ordered our first 4 chicks on Monday. 76 days until they arrive! There's a Black Copper Marans, an Easter Egger, a Barred Plymouth Rock and a Speckled Sussex. I can't wait. We're designing and building the coop-10'x 7' run and 4'x 7'henhouse. There's a little room for chicken math there.... My dad is a general contractor and is really invested in helping us. The ladies will also have about half an acre of yard to explore for a bit most days.

Glad to meet you all- I'm really enjoying this thread! All these babies are AWESOME!
So glad I found this thread. It has answered some of my questions. Use to raise chicks with my dad when I was a kid but it's been a long time so I feel like a newbie. I'm getting my chicks from Tractor Supply in a few weeks so I won't know till then what the breeds are. I like surprises so this is gonna be fun! Also not sure how many I'm getting but I have given myself a limit of 7 so I'll see how many of them I fall in love with when I get there. I have 2 laying hens right now given to me a year ago and my biggest concern is that they accept my new babies when the time comes. I've been talking to them.

I'm placing the chicks in a very large tote with hardware cloth on the top. I got some puppy pads to start with and some pine shavings for later. It will be in the house and I am going to use a plain incandescent bulb for heat. Dad always used one with good success. We didn't have all the new warming apparatus back then so had to improvise. Lots of old metal coat hangers were put to use holding things up or down, ha-ha! I will also be putting cider vinegar in their water and giving them some yogurt as well just like I do with my big girls and no medicated feed, just good ol' organic chick starter. I'll try to post pics when I get them.
What kind of chicks did you get?

@Chickywolf Wow! having surprise chicks is fun....I'm way to much of a control freak for that. I scoured the different breeds for weeks and still couldnt decide which is why I ended up with 16, 8 of which I will have to give away....that will be the hard part. Welcome to the thread!

@katieuppi Great choices on the chicks. I loved the Speckled Sussex but none were available for my date. Post some pictures of your coop build too!

@LadyVictorian Oh my, the silkies
I would love to have silkies but I have all large fowl ordered and I didn't want the bantams to get picked on by the big girls. They are super cute, love the fuzzy bed head feather crowns

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