Spring 2017 first timers post!

What cha get? What cha get? 26 days for me to wait but whos counting?
We are very happy for you! It's great that Meyer got the chicks to you in So Cal in two days. :)

Oh yeah definitely. So far everyone is doing great, and the brooder my grandpa built for me looks fantastic. It's around 80 here right now outside so we don't have to have the heat lamp on full blast to hit 95.
I definitely recommend getting a dimmer switch for your heat lamp. They work amazingly to move the heat around.
Wow! You're going to have some nice color in your egg basket. I ordered very similar but could not get a single blue egg layer. I could have gotten a cream legbar but didn't know a thing abou them and I thought they were like a leghorn and I knew I didn't want that but now Im kind of kicking myself thinking I should have gotten a legbar. Anyway I too got barred rock, australorp, buff orp, lav orp but I got golden laced wyandotte and a meal maker, so pretty close to your order. Please keep posting pictures so we can watch them grow. Thats so awesome that they are all healthy!

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