"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Word of advice guys... If you THINK there is a smell... There is most likely a smell. Check all eggs.

. I was checking because I thought a smelled something and one EXPLODED IN MY HAND!!! Thankfully outside the incubator. Can I just say YUCK!!!!!
my gosh.. This reminds me of when I found a nest in the hay when I was 9... Wondering if they were good, I stupidly shook it next to my ear to see if I could hear anything... It blew up all over my ear, my hand, my face... And the smell! Something you don't forget!

Some of my babies from Tuesday. The Marans are especially fluffy!
awww fluffy butts!

Word of advice guys... If you THINK there is a smell... There is most likely a smell. Check all eggs.

. I was checking because I thought a smelled something and one EXPLODED IN MY HAND!!! Thankfully outside the incubator. Can I just say YUCK!!!!!
ewwww sorry

And just like that there was a duck named Waffles. Pip to duckling out of shell was about 46 hrs.

yummy! I love waffles and eggs and bacon

my gosh.. This reminds me of when I found a nest in the hay when I was 9... Wondering if they were good, I stupidly shook it next to my ear to see if I could hear anything... It blew up all over my ear, my hand, my face... And the smell! Something you don't forget!
thats rough
Word of advice guys... If you THINK there is a smell... There is most likely a smell. Check all eggs.

. I was checking because I thought a smelled something and one EXPLODED IN MY HAND!!! Thankfully outside the incubator. Can I just say YUCK!!!!!

my gosh.. This reminds me of when I found a nest in the hay when I was 9... Wondering if they were good, I stupidly shook it next to my ear to see if I could hear anything... It blew up all over my ear, my hand, my face... And the smell! Something you don't forget!

:lau :lau :lau
I had one rotten egg under a broody. I knew better than to let it break anywhere near me. The smell was bad, but not as bad as it breaking on me!
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Here is my day 21 so far...3 paints, 1 black and 2 blues?? I have 4 more pips and one has not don't anything yet...:/

My SLP eggs are not doing anything yet either....but hopefully soon!!! I don't plan on going past day 23.
Ooohh thats terrible , im always worried if i think im smelling something i check but im always scared that will happen

 Oh no! 

my gosh.. This reminds me of when I found a nest in the hay when I was 9... Wondering if they were good, I stupidly shook it next to my ear to see if I could hear anything... It blew up all over my ear, my hand, my face... And the smell! Something you don't forget!

:lau :lau :lau
I had one rotten egg under a broody. I knew better than to let it break anywhere near me. The spell was bad, but not as bad as it breaking on me!

It was bad. Had a greenish brown liquid and took lemon juice to get the smell off.

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