"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Congratulations! I hope you can upload a pic soon.

Not that many!

You can keep it lower for another day or so.

Congratulations! I hope you wake up to more!

Congratulations! I hope the other 12 are just late.

Congratulations! Sorry about the one that died.

Congratulations mrleeroy!

I'm sorry.
Thanks Mike!

Oh No!!! LOL!!!

sorry, But look at that beard!

i've never dealt with it but i read somewhere it can take a week to fully correct

Sounds like some fun mixes!!
Yes! I wanted a nicely bearded and crested roo... We will see! Thanks!


chicken math at its best!

@mrleeroy She is freaking perfect though!!! look at her coloring and stuffs!!!! love her!!
Thanks Sally!
I never saw rocking but i have two external pips of 30 eggs. They are killing me!

I forgot to mention in my first post that these are rhode island red crossed with an easter egg rooster.

40 eggs were set. 30 made the cut.
Hope you have a great hatch! If that's the rooster in your avy there could be a sex-linkage going on there...
I never saw rocking but i have two external pips of 30 eggs. They are killing me!

I forgot to mention in my first post that these are rhode island red crossed with an easter egg rooster.

40 eggs were set. 30 made the cut.
On this page scroll down to the title "Other Sex-linked Traits" GMS6: Sex-Linkage

There is also more information on this on google, if one wanted to research it...
You anticipated me asking about the sex link.
yes that is the roo this batch is from. Ill take a look at the links and google. Thanks!
I did the exact cross. My RIR hens had yellow shanks. My EE roo had green shanks. The resulting offspring were green shank females, and yellow shank males. I grew them out to be 100%. It was 100%. I hatched out 4 pullets and 8 cockerels. I will note that the dermal melanin (dark pigment in the females) is not visible on hatch day. You will see that start to bleed in around 3-4 days old. By two weeks it will be very obvious. I can't be 100% on your roo's genetics, but it was the case in my circumstances. I didn't find out about the sex-linkage until my chicks were 4 weeks old and combs started turning red on the cockerels. Thought it was an odd coincidence that the ones that looked like pullets had green legs, and the cockerels yellow. After further research I did discover it was a sex-linked cross. They're 20 weeks now and I'm 100% sure of the sexes. I hope this helps

Oh and sorry everyone for the long post...
This whole situation will teach me not to buy auction eggs again. :he I saw the parent stock, they all looked very good. Well, looks can be deceiving. A total of 37 Dominique eggs were set. Many of the eggs were infertile, however, 20 made it to lockdown but only 11 hatched. :hit  Of the 11, two have wry neck. One is up and walking normally but can't straighten its neck. The other (a malposition chick) can't stand, is throwing its head back, and flipping over. The kids have named the poor little thing Flipper. I have been using Poly-Vi-Sol for a full day. A couple drops in the beak and some added to the water. Still no change. How long should I give the vitamins a chance to work?

I was considering keeping the hens and swapping out any roosters with another line I know is good quality, and starting my own line of Dominique. Now, I am not so sure. If the chicks don't respond well to the added vitamins then it may be a genetic condition. If that is the case then the whole bunch could be suspect. :oops: The last thing I want is to perpetuate a bad bloodline. I have only had one other case of wry neck  and the chick did not survive. I discontinued breeding that bloodline and have not had a case since.

So sorry to hear of your bad luck!!! Last hatch, I had a chick that had we neck and Leo flipping on its back. It also had trouble drying ugh and I finally had to bathe it. It went in for over 24hrs looking like it was on death's door step but I kept it in the incubator longer and I finally told my husband we needed to cull it. Well I didn't want to - and he forgot and left so I sat down to read for a little bit and thought surely it was going to die but I stared hearing frantic cheeping!! I went over and the chick that had Kaye's around and floors on its back for nearly two days, had righted itself and was sitting up! I thought it was a fluke but it was trying to get around. I took it out, carefully bathed it again and put it in it me own tiny box with towel (protected from the other chicks) in the brooder, right near the heat (not directly under so it wouldn't get too hot)

I had to leave for a few hours and I fully expected that this little one would not make it. I came home and it was still alive! It had a rough start for sure and needed some special attention but it's thriving with all of my other Easter HAL chicks now! I know this isn't always the case but I'm glad we didn't cull when I said to or that little one wouldn't be here. It's super quick and doing well - smaller than the others and not feathering out as fast BUT completely healthy and happy now.

We're your auction eggs from eBay?? I've heard horror stories from eBay hatching egg auctions! So sorry!!

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