"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Well, I had a disaster this weekend. My outside dog got into the chicken run and killed all of my hens. I only had 4 in the run but he got them all, just for sport apparently. He didn't eat any of them. Fortunately, my 2 Icelandic chicks are still in the brooder inside. He's a good watch dog but he may be going away. I came real close to shooting him but then decided to think about it before I let my anger do something that I would regret. If I decide to get rid of him, I'll give the rescue people a chance before I put him down.

Any advice on this is welcome. Can a chicken killing dog be rehabilitated? I really don't want to put him down but I still want to have chickens.
Oh NO!!! I breed springers, I have an electric fence around the dog yard so they cant get over near the chicken area. so sorry

Quote: I am so sorry! good news on the rest!!

Quote: Im good how are you chaos, congrats on the duckies!!
:frow everyone, hope your all ok :D

Got the little polish out for the first time today :yesss: They were so pleased with the extra space, they had a ball.


as far as I know he is still out there!! I have to go check on them soon lol
Well that's good.

everyone, hope your all ok

Got the little polish out for the first time today
They were so pleased with the extra space, they had a ball.

I had my EHAL chicks outside yesterday for a romp in the sun. They enjoyed themselves by flopping over and sunning.
Morning everyone! I'm always amazed at how fast the chicks grow. I had to change the feed for my chicks (I had started with medicated chick starter, and they all had super watery poo???, switched to regular chick starter yesterday and their poo already looks much firmer).

These chicks are loved on almost all day constantly during the school day. The class has taken to inviting other classes in and giving them "lectures" on chicks and the hatching process. So cute! They all think they are little experts now. HA!

A few new pics of them :)

Morning everyone! I'm always amazed at how fast the chicks grow. I had to change the feed for my chicks (I had started with medicated chick starter, and they all had super watery poo???, switched to regular chick starter yesterday and their poo already looks much firmer).

These chicks are loved on almost all day constantly during the school day. The class has taken to inviting other classes in and giving them "lectures" on chicks and the hatching process. So cute! They all think they are little experts now. HA!

A few new pics of them :)

Cute little chickies.
Well that's good.

I had my EHAL chicks outside yesterday for a romp in the sun. They enjoyed themselves by flopping over and sunning.

The blacktails from EHAL have been off heat and out for a good week or so now. I've been very impressed with how quick they feathered out. The 2 pullets I moved in with my frizzle mother hen who has been living on her own. They seem to be getting on ok ~



The three cockerels are going tomorrow to live in a batchelor group with a lady down the road. Got some good weight on them so I think they would make good eating birds ~


The two little Pekin from the EHAL are still in the shed with the polish, infact they are smaller than the polish even though they are 2 weeks older. Love their feathers on the feet, so funny to watch. They are my first feathered leg breed I have kept.
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as far as I know he is still out there!! I have to go check on them soon lol
How long do you usually leave unhatched duck eggs in?

The blacktails from EHAL have been off heat and out for a good week or so now. I've been very impressed how quick they feathered out. The 2 pullets I moved in with my frizzle mother hen who has been living in her own. They seem to be getting ok ~

The three cockerels are going tomorrow to live in a batchelor group with a lady down the road. Git some good weight on them so I think they would make good eating birds ~

The two little Pekin from the EHAL are still in the shed with the polish, infact they are smaller than the polish even though they are 2 weeks older. Love their feathers feet, so funny to watch. They are my first feathered leg breed I have kept.
Mine have been out in the garage brooder and have feathered in nicely, except for one. He's kinda ugly looking and feathering in weird.

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