springtime post your new chick pics

they loved the roosting stick as soon as I put it in the brooder...took a bit to figure out the balancing part, but now they sleep up there all the time!
One of mine just tried that on the side of a box we have set in the crate. She was really unbalanced, but it was very cute to see. I'll have to get a stick for them to roost on now.
Here is the rescued mystery chick who I think is going to end up to be a roo :(

And the four chicks we bought from the mill to keep the mystery chick company - 2 Rhode Islands and 2 White Leghorns - yay! I'll have white eggs again!

And here they are in the "growing up pen" for the first time. That's their adoptive Mama Tweet who was really surprised that her eggs hatched SO quickly ;) We didn't hatch any out this year and these 5 bring me up to a nice round 20!


Didn't know there was a place to brag..man, there are a lot of cute babies on here..I love the broody pics with their babies! Here's my silkie..I have some due to hatch tomorrow! Excited!
My little BO's I hatched lately.
My Lavender Ameraucanas..
MY Button Quail teensy!
A frizzle cochin
MY Silkie growing up, yep, they do that fast! Yep, love to chill with my peeps!
Since I was so interested in documenting how fast these little critters grow, I did just that - I take a photo a day of 2 or more of my 7 chicks. Here are the 3 Buff Orps and the 4 Araucana (that's what they said they were, but they're probably EEs). The one in front is missing an eye - I got her from IFA as a rescue since they said she wouldn't have a chance eunless I took her. If you want to stay posted on their growth, the site is: http://hennyrogers.tumblr.com Yay!

My beloved Rosie, three days old, then all grown up. What an extraordinary hen with an extraordinary personality! Now in hen heaven waiting for me!

My first time ever having chickens, I have 4 chicks just over 2 weeks old and 4 chicks that are 4 weeks old. What a HUGE difference! I love my chickens! My Barred Rock is my favorite so far. She is so friendly and curious, never afraid and loves to be held. In the younger group I have 2 Buff Brahmas, 1 Light Brown Leghorn, and 1 Salmon Faverolles Rooster. In the older group I have 1 Barred Rock (Coco Chanel), 1 Salmon Faverolles, and 2 Australorps, all hens but just the one rooster. I can't wait for this little guy to turn into his magnificent self!

Here are the newest chicks:

These are the 2 Buff Brahmas.

Lightening Fast Light Brown Leghorn!

Salmon Faverolles Hen "Henny Penny"

Barred Rock, "Miss Coco Chanel"

Australorp Sisters

And the Salmon Faverolles Rooster/Cockerel


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